Chapter 1

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Amos crouched low beside Acelynn as they watched from behind the kitchen counter. Farah was walking towards her brown leather satchel that was laying in the living room. She was going to secondary school and often bragged about it to Acelynn, this was Acelynn's way of telling her top stop. Amos helped back a laugh as she put her hand into the bag. She must have felt the frog because her hand came flying out and she shrieked loudly. Acelynn and Amos burst out laughing and they stood up from their hiding spot. Farah took off running towards them an angry look on her face. They scrambled to get out of the small kitchen before Farah could get in and corner them. Together they ran past her and into the larger living room where they would have more space to escape.

    "I'm going to kill you," Farah yelled chasing after them. Acelynn let out another laugh, Farah wouldn't hurt a fly. She was so soft and gentle with her deep brown eyes and soft brown hair. She looked like an angel compared to herself. Acelynn had dark tan skin which contrasted with her white blond hair. Her striking blue and gold eyes often caught people off guard. Avianna walked into the room and glared at her kids.

    "If you're going to fight go outside, I just cleaned the house and I don't need you three messing it up," she spoke with a harsh tone but there was a twinkle in her eye. She loved these kids so much, she would do anything for them, even Amos who wasn't hers. Acelynn and Amos were on their way out the door when Abel, Acelynn's dad walked through the door.

    "I have something for everyone!" He shouted walking in the front door. Behind him walked Ajax and his wife Bexley. They walked into the house and Ajax gave his mother a large hug and a kiss on the cheek. He made his way over to Farah next giving her a light hug as well, as he made his way over to Acelynn he laughed and the disgusted look on her face before rubbing messing up her hair. Farah and him could be twins, Acelynn was the odd one out. Ajax had short brown hair and the same soft brown eyes as Farah. She didn't understand why she had to look so different. She could change that if she wanted but then people would know that she was different than them.

    "Nice to see you kid," Ajax said rappig his arm around Acelynn's shoulders. She glared at him out of the corner of her eye and tried to pat her hair down.

    "I'm not a kid," she said a small smile on her face. She loved her brother and was so sad when he moved in with Bexley when they got married. It wasn't fair, he left her with Farah! Farah and Acelynn rarely saw eye to eye on anything and didn't have anything in common.

    "You're a kid to me," he responded removing his arm from her shoulders and making his way over to his wife. Bexley smiled at Acelynn and gave a soft wave. She had always been really shy with the family, she was not use to the loudness of their house. Bexley was from a very small family, she was an only child and her parents were very soft quiet people.

    "Is this what you brought us?" Farah asked impatiently.

    "No, sit down and I'll give it to you," Abel replied to his daughter in the same impatient tone. She huffed and flopped down onto the small couch in the living room. Ajax and Bexley sat beside her while Avianna, Acelynn and Amos found the other chairs scattered around the living room. Abel turned towards his bag and started pulling out small packages. To the girls he gave them each a small red package and to the boys he gave them small blue packages. He nodded his head giving them permission to open them. Acelynn tore into hers and gasped when she held up a beautiful silver earring. It was tradition in the family that if some big changes were going to happen that the girls got earrings and the boys got a small pocket life. So far Acelynn had to earrings and this was her third, while Farah had 3 and this would be her 4th. Their mother had the most, she had 6 and this would be her 7th. The silver earring had a pointed back so that it could easily pierce their ears and it had a beautiful scarlet coloured gem placed in the center. Farah had the same and their mother and Bexley got a blue and gold earring. Although Amos wasn't apart of their family he held a small wooden handled pocket knife in his hands.

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