Chapter 5

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Phoenix pushed the potatoes around on his plate. He glanced up and looked at his father who wasn't done eating. Carefully he took a small bite of the potatoes and he chewed slowly. He hated the rules. He had to wait until his father was done eating before he could finish eating himself. Nixon kicked him under the table as he went to take another bite. He dropped his fork quickly and it made a loud clashing noise.

    "Sorry," he mumbled. He gave an appreciative glance at Nixon and he continued to push his food around. Lunch was always the slowest meal, his father used this time to catch up with his mother instead of doing it on their own time, they used the family time.

    "I'm so sorry to interrupt my King, but I have a very important message for the Royal family," a messenger rushed out as he walked in the room.

"Make it quick," King Orion replied gruffly. He shoved another forkful of food into his mouth and waited for the messenger to continue.

"They found the gold blood, she lives in Woodview," the messenger said slowly. "The authorities have her, they are with her now and are asking what they should do."

"Everybody go change,  tell them that we will be there as fast as we can," Queen Isa responded standing up from the table. She didn't care that she was breaking rules, she had been waiting for this for far to long. The King agreed and he too stood up from his spot. Phoenix and Nixon followed suit and they ran off towards their rooms. Phoenix quickly changed into a pair of riding pants and a comfortable tunic. He pulled his boots back on and he ran down the stairs. Although he knew that his mother was excited he couldn't help but feel his heart sink. She was going to like this new girl better than him. He knew that she had always wanted a girl. He was the first to make it to the stable and he waited there for the rest of his family. They all mounted their horses and the King lead them towards the small village, Woodview.

Once they reached the gates they slowed to a walk. They were met by the village authorities and they were led to the girl. Upon seeing the house Phoenix's heart sank even more. The house was tiny, a lot of it was patched together, and the wood looked old. He had never been out this far from the Palace before and his heart broke for these people. He had no idea what they were going through. He lived in a palace and never wanted for nothing, while these people barely had a house. He slid off of his horses back and handed his reins over to one of them men waiting. Phoenix nodded his head at him in thanks and moved to the left of his father. His father walked up the creaky steps of the front deck and knocked on the door politely. This was very unlike the King but Phoenix chose to ignore it. The door was opened by another official and they were let into the house. Sitting in the small living room was 6 people all holding tightly to each other. Sitting in the middle of the 6 people was a girl who was around Phoenix's age. He admired her white blonde hair and the colour of her skin, she was definitely the gold blood. She had a white cloth tied around her forehead and he could see the faintest amount of gold blood coming through it. The whole family bowed to the royal family.

"Which of you is the gold blood?" Queen Isa asked stepping in front of the King. Phoenix watched as the king frowned at his wife. It was very unlike her to break the family rules and she had done it twice today already.

"I am," the blonde girl spoke up moving slightly away from the group. She stood up and stepped in front of her family. "Please don't hurt them," she whispered tears in her eyes. Isa gave the young girl a small gentle smile and nodded her head.

"We won't, I promise. I'm Isa," she replied to the girl. The girl gave a soft smile back and moved back towards her family.

"I'm Acelynn," the blonde girl replied. Phoenix smiled softly at the sound of her name and he stepped closer towards his mom.

"This is my oldest son Phoenix, my youngest son Nixon and my husband the King," Isa introduced them all and then moved to sit opposite of the family on a separate couch. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Ask anything you want your highness," Acelynn responded sitting back down on the couch.

    Isa peppered Acelynn with questions and Acelynn answered them all, sometimes taking a few seconds to collect her thoughts. Many of the questions were school related and about what she knew in general. She asked about her hobbies and her interests, what she liked about school and what she didn't. King Orion stood silently throughout this whole time, while the boys moved to sit with their mother.

    "Thank you Acelynn, you are a very smart girl!" Isa ended the interrogation with a large smile on her face.

    "Thank you my Queen," Acelynn replied bowing her head.

    "Please call me Isa."

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