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Chapter 17 - Acelynn

"Quit it," Acelynn mouthed watching as Phoenix made faces behind General Scott's back. He made another face which sent Acelynn into a fit of laughter. Jule glared at Acelynn and turned towards where Phoenix was. Moving quicker than she thought possible Phoenix whipped around and stared straight ahead. Acelynn was practically rolling around on the ground laughing holding her stomach.

"Acelynn you need to focus," Jule sighed. Acelynn groaned and focused on the soldier in front of her. She thought about the man and how he moved and how fast his breathing was. She glanced at the watch on his arm and breathed out allowing the time around him to slow down. Gasping for air she held the time on him. She could feel sweat dripping down her back as she continued to keep the hold on him. After running out of breath she gasped and the time resumed for the man. Acelynn was bent over, hands on her knees with her breaths coming in pants. It was wearing her down, trying to focus it on one person was nearly impossible.

"That was good," Jule praised her. Phoenix walked over and bent over beside Acelynn.

"You good?" Phoenix asked placing a warm hand on her back. She nodded her head and straightened her back. She leaned into Phoenix's side as she struggled to catch her breath.

"It's harder than it looks," Acelynn breathed rubbing her face with her hands. Phoenix nodded his head in understanding.

"Phoenix, get back here," General Scott snapped loudly from across the training centre. Blushing slightly Phoenix gave her a soft smile and ran back towards the General.

"Ready to go again?" Jule asked stalking over to where Acelynn stood. Groaning she nodded her head and walked back towards the soldier. She started the process over. Taking a deep breath she focused on the man, faster than before she saw his watch slow. She breathed heavily as her focus wavered and then it snapped allowing time to resume as normal.

"It was easier to get, but I'm having a hard time holding it," Acelynn addressed Jule. Jule nodded her head and thought for a moment.

"Go work on archery," Jule ordered her. Acelynn nodded her head in thanks before sauntering over to the long wooden bows. She grasped on in her hand and marched over to the targets. Acelynn nocked an arrow on the string and pulled the bow into place. She focused on the black dot in the center of the target and breathed out. Letting the arrow fly she smiled as it met its mark. Archery had been one of the things that she had picked up quickly and had actually enjoyed.

"I'm going back, want to walk with me?" Phoenix asked approaching Acelynn from behind.

"Sounds good to me," Acelynn replied dropping her arm and holding the bow at her hip. He reached out and took the bow from her hands and placed it on the rack behind him. Against her better judgement they left the arrow in the target because they didn't want to walk that far and left for their rooms. They walked in silence together and they parted ways at their doors mumbling a good night. Acelynn stood at her door a moment longer and watched as his door closed.

"Hey, Acelynn. Can I talk to you about something?" Nixon asked approaching her from the other end of the hallway.

"Sure, come in," Acelynn answered opening the door and allowing Nixon to walk into the room. She closed the door behind them and then turned and flopped onto her bed.

"I heard this while I was walking by my dads office. They know that you can freeze time which is why they are training you to hold one thing at a time. They want you to hold the army of Islea still while my dad's men kill them all. They want to annihilate the entire nation. The worst part is that it was Phoenix's idea. He went to my dad with the idea when you first got here," Nixon blurted out. Acelynn tried to process what he was saying.

"Phoenix is trying to use me?" Acelynn sputtered. She sat up on her bed and she felt her face go hot in anger. "Was he ever my friend," she spat angrily. Nixon shrugged his shoulders and walked closer towards her.

"Do you need anything?" He asked gently. She looked up at him from the bed and anger was written on her face,

"I just need to be alone right now, can you leave?" Acelynn sniffled. Nixon nodded his head and turned towards the doors. He walked out glancing back at Acelynn who had hot angry tears running down her face. 

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