Chapter 4

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Amos and Acelynn sat with their backs against a large oak tree in the Courtyard. The Courtyard was one of the few places that the boys and girls were allowed to be at the same time. The school in Woodview was rather strange. They had decided that girls and boys shouldn't be around each other until they were at least 18. That way nothing bad would happen.

    "Do you think that they're going to come back?" Acelynn asked nervously scanning the Courtyard.

    "No, if they wanted to test you they would have come to your house," Amos replied. He was pulling individual blades of grass from the ground and piling them on the other side. Acelynn carefully watched what he was doing and shook her head. He was bored out of his mind.  They sat there in silence ignoring the teachers eyes, they were being watched.

    "Look who it is dumb and dumber," a girl said approaching both of them. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was much shorter than Acelynn and definitely much weaker. For as long as Acelynn could remember this girl had hated her and her family.

    "What do you want Ava?" Acelynn snapped back at her. She shot daggers at Ava who pretended not to notice.

    "Oh nothing," Ava replied nonchalantly. Acelynn rolled her eyes and reached for her satchel beside her. She pulled out a book and placed it on her lap. She flipped to the first page and started reading.

"Are you even reading that book? We all know you struggle with reading, why would you try and hide it," Ava snickered. By now a small group had formed behind Ava and they all laughed along with her.

"Just because you're stupid doesn't mean I am," Acelynn replied not looking up from the book.

"You're just jealous because my daddy has a higher position than yours, your family has always disliked mine," Ava huffed in anger.

"You wish honey," Acelynn responded her temper rising, she placed the book beside her and started to stand up. Amos reached out and grabbed her hand pulling her back down.

"She's not worth it Ace," Amos whispered letting go of her hand.

"Awe, how cute. The poor, worthless Acelynn has a little boyfriend," Ava shot at her. Acelynn rolled her eyes and stood up, ignoring Amos' warning.

"You're just jealous because you wish he was your boyfriend, and we're not dating by the way," Acelynn answered her with a smirk.

"I could get a boyfriend if I wanted to. Although I still can't figure out why he hangs out with you and your family. Nobody likes you," Ava snapped. "I heard that your brother cheated on the final exams, is that true? It definitely wouldn't surprise me."

"That's it," Acelynn responded. Her hand formed a fist and she lunged at Ava. Ava screamed loudly and let Acelynn tackle her to the ground. She was striking out blindly hoping that she would hit Ava hard. Amos jumped off of the ground and ran towards them, he reached out and grabbed Acelynn by the arm. Acelynn shoved him away with the other arm and turned back to Ava. While she was distracted Ava had grabbed a rock that was on the ground and she swung it at Acelynn's head. It caught her on the forehead and the skin split. Acelynn froze for half a second and quickly scrambled off of Ava. She pressed her hands to her forehead and felt the warm liquid feeling of blood drip into her hands. Amos jumped in front of her hiding her from the view of the crowd.

"Get out of here!" Amos shouted pushing Ava towards the entrance of the school. Still in shock she slowly turned and numbly started running away from the school. Amos turned back to Ava who was still on the ground her mouth open in shock.

"She..." her voice trailed off and she scrambled to her feet. Ava took off running towards the school and towards the teachers. Amos groaned and decided to run after Acelynn, Ava was never going to listen to him. Quickly he caught up with Ava who was still holding her hand to the wound on her head. Golden blood was gushing out of the gash and spilling through her fingers.

"We have to get you home quick," Amos whispered mostly to himself. He grabbed Acelynn's free hand and started sprinting in the direction of her house. She followed behind him, not saying a word and allowing him to drag her home. They were almost at the house when the shock wore off.

"She's going to tell them isn't she?" she murmured slowing down. She glanced over at Amos who was nodding his head. His eyes held sympathy and worry and it made Acelynn look away. "I have to tell my mom." Acelynn rushed into the house and ran towards the kitchen.

"Acelynn!" Her mother shrieked. She rushed towards her and looked at her head. The blood had begun to dry and the wound was no longer bleeding. Gold crusted blood clung to her forehead and her hair.

"Mom, they saw, they're going to take me away," Acelynn cried her voice cracking.

"Amos, go and get Abel, he should be at work," Avianna's voice shook and she pulled Acelynn to the bathroom. Amos nodded and left the house. Avianna ran a cloth under cold water and placed it on her daughter's forehead. Slowly she rubbed gently and the blood started coming off. She grabbed a piece of cloth out of the cupboard and she tied it around Acelynn's head hoping to cover the wound so until they could look at it for longer.

"We've got to go mom!" Acelynn whimpered. Avianna nodded and they walked to the couch, she forced them to sit down and they waited. Farah sauntered into the living room and looked at her mom and Acelynn.

"What's going on?" she said worry evident in her voice.

"They saw me, they know that my blood isn't red," Acelynn replied her voice monotone. She stared blankly at her sister and tears started forming in her eyes.

"I'm going to get Ajax and Bexley, be ready to leave when I get back," Avianna spoke standing up from the couch. She ran out the front door and left Farah and Acelynn by themselves. Farah slowly sat down beside her younger sister and pulled her close to her side. Farah began rubbing her hand up and down Acelynn's back as they sat there in silence.

The door swung open and their mom and dad walked in with Amos, Ajax and Bexley following closely behind them. Farah and Acelynn rose from the couch and walked towards them.

"We're all ready to go?" Abel asked putting his arm around his wife's shoulders. He watched all the nods around the room and they made their way to the back door. The front door slammed open and standing there in the doorway were the last people they wanted to see.

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