Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Acelynn

Squeezing her eyes shut Acelynn tried to ignore the blinding sunlight as it shone into her tent. Grumbling Acelynn climbed out of her tent and walked towards the large fire in the middle of the camp. There was food already being cooked and Acelynn could feel her stomach begin to rumble. Moments later someone sat down beside her on the ground.

"Did you sleep?" Phoenix asked. She could feel him practically vibrating with nerves. She placed her hand on his and squeezed it gently.

"Not very much," Acelynn murmured. Phoenix nodded his head. She could see the large dark circles under his eyes and his face was whiter than normal. He held her hand and they just stared at the fire.

"Everybody into position!" General Scott bellowed his voice echoing through the camp. Acelynn closed her eyes, the fear was closing in. They had to do this for themselves and for Islea. She stood slowly and walked towards where she had clear view of King Orion. Phoenix drew his sword and moved to stand with his father. General Scott spotted Acelynn in the distance, his eyes were squinted and his hand was resting on his sword. Acelynn followed his eyes as he looked at the king and realization dawned on his face. He had figured it out. Moving nearly inhumanly fast he sprinted across the camp, drew his sword and launched into an attack. Acelynn whipped her sword from its sheath and prepared to defend herself. Out of nowhere the end of General Scott's sword flew down and knocked Acelynn on the head. The skin split and gold blood poured out of the wound. Staggering back she tried to regain her balance. Using the back of her sleeve Acelynn wiped the blood away from her eyes. She swung her sword around in her hand and glared at the man in front of her. Acelynn cautiously looked towards where Phoenix and the king were. They were also engaged in combat. Phoenix moved swiftly and the king barely defended against his attacks. She needed to get away from the general, she had to help Phoenix. Fear squeezed her heart and her eyes flashed back to what was happening in front of her. Without a second thought she used her ability and froze the general in his place. His eyes slowly widened in fear and Acelynn took off running towards a different spot. She struggled to hold the general as she moved farther away and she found herself slowing down quickly. Feeling like she was in a safe spot she removed her hold on the general and strained for her focus to be put on the king. She looked around for Phoenix and found him on the ground the king standing over him. Acelynn panicked and blindly threw her ability towards the king. He stopped instantly, not moving a muscle. Acelynn took off running towards them. She had to make it there before the general did, and by the looks of it he was a lot closer than she was. 

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