Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Phoenix
    Phoenix patted his hair down again in the mirror. Moments later his hair moved out of place and he groaned. His hair never did what it was suppose to. Sighing he patted it down with water one more time and walked away from the mirror hoping that it would finally stay in place. He was so nervous about taking Acelynn to the party. He knew that she probably only thought of them as friends but he wanted it to be so much more. Phoenix knew that he had to tell her that they would be married eventually but he was really dreading that conversation.
    "Why am I so nervous!" Phoenix grumbled to himself flopping on to the bed. He hung out with her all the time, why would tonight be any different. Sighing again he rolled off the bed and checked the clock. He had to go meet her at her door any moment. Building up the courage Phoenix walked towards the door and put his hand on the doorknob, taking a deep breath he opened the door and confidently walked out towards Acelynn's.  He put his hand up to knock on the door before pulling it away quickly. Phoenix paced back and forth in front of the door for a couple minutes stopping and putting his hand towards the door every couple seconds. Finally he stopped his pacing and he stood in front of the door, reaching his hand towards the door he heard giggling. Freezing in his place he stared at the door his eyes wide. The door swung open and standing in front of him Acelynn smiled. Her white blonde hair was in an intricate updo and soft curls framed her delicate face. Her dress fit her perfectly. The top of the dress was tight until it hit her hips and then it flowed out into a large skirt. The dress was a soft grey colour and it suited Acelynn's style perfectly. Phoenix opened his mouth to say something but no words came out of his mouth as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. Acelynn giggled softly and glanced back at the maid behind her. She softly shoved Acelynn out the door and towards Phoenix.
    "You look rather dashing," Acelynn complimented him a large smile on her face. Trying to find words to say he glanced away from her.
    "You look absolutely stunning Acelynn," Phoenix beamed. He looked back at her and her cheeks flushed a bright red. Phoenix gave her another big smile and she returned it happily. He extended his arm to her and she folded hers in his. Phoenix led her towards the party and they reached the doors faster than he had anticipated. Taking a deep breath he nodded at the guards at the door and they knocked softly letting the announcer know that they were there. Muffled because of the door Phoenix barely heard his name and title followed by Acelynn's name. The doors were opened wide and slowly walked through them. Clapping resounded around the ballroom and they continued their walk in. Phoenix glanced around the room watching everyone's face, he noted the jealousy on the young girls faces and he quickly looked away. He led her towards the middle of the room where they stopped and bowed low before the King and Queen. Acelynn dropped into one of the lowest bows he had ever seen and she only stood once he had. Queen Isa smiled at her son and Acelynn and both of them smiled back at her. 
    After they finished eating the meal. Phoenix practically dragged Acelynn towards the dance floor. She groaned quietly beside him and he tried to stifle his laugh. Gently he placed her hand on her hip and the other he reached for her hand. Her hands trembled softly and she placed one on his shoulder while the other gripped his tightly.
    "You're going to be fine," Phoenix affirmed her. She nodded her head and the music started. Phoenix led them through the dance and as it went on she became more comfortable. She beamed at Phoenix and he twirled her around, the grey skirt of her dress whispering against the cool tile floor. Glancing around them he could see his father and mother dancing with each other and Nixon was dancing with another Silver girl that Phoenix couldn't name for the life of him.
    "Thank you," Acelynn murmured softly to him. She gazed at him with a strange look in her eyes that he couldn't place and he only smiled in response. He was falling for her hard. If only he knew what she felt then maybe this wouldn't be so hard.

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