Chapter 6

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"Will you come live with us?" Isa asked her voice soft. Isa was rather hard to read. She wore all metal clothing that hung over her like a veil, it looked hard and it looked powerful. Yet she made you feel like the most important person in the room, like she actually cared, and maybe she did.

    "With all do respect Queen Isa, we would prefer if she stayed with us," Avianna responded, finally speaking up in the situation. Isa's faced dropped and an apologetic expression made its way onto her face. She opened her mouth as if to say something when King Orion cut her off.

    "My wife liked to make it sound like it was a choice but it is not, Acelynn will be coming to live with us whether you like it or not!" He stated anger in his voice. Acelynn leaned farther into her brother as the King stepped towards them. "If you try and keep her from us I will not hesitate to use force."

    "I'll go, as long as you leave my family alone," Acelynn responded calmly. She stood up from her spot on the couch and moved towards the King.

    "You're family will not be touched, be ready in an hour. Pack the important things, you will not be needing any of this clothing," he spoke quickly. Spinning on his heels the King walked out of their house.

    "I'm truly sorry that it came down to this," Isa whispered to the family. "Phoenix stay behind and help the family with anything that they need." The young boy that sat on the right of his mother nodded his head and he walked the rest of his family to the door. His mother turned and pressed her lips to his forehead. He must have been around 5'8 but he looked around her age. He had sandy blonde hair that made his dark brown eyes stand out. He was extremely pale but he had a decent amount of muscle and Acelynn couldn't help but find him attractive.

    "I'll go pack," Acelynn states making her way towards the stairs. Phoenix follows slowly behind her and she let him into her room.

    "I'm so sorry for all of this, my dad, he isn't the nicest person to walk the earth. I really wish there was something that I could do to make him let you stay with your family," Phoenix whispers staring at the ground. "I hope that we can be friends, I understand if you want nothing to do with me." Acelynn looked up at Phoenix and she was shocked. He was different. She had thought he was going to be some stuck up snob who wouldn't want anything to do with her.

    "I would love to be your friend, I don't want to live in a palace and have no friends," Acelynn responded a small smile on her face. Maybe this was going to be okay, just because the King was a terrible man didn't mean that the rest of the family was. Isa seemed nice enough, maybe Phoenix was too. Phoenix smiled back at her and nodded his head.

    "Do you need help with anything?" he asked politely.

    "No, you can just sit and relax if you want, you look a little tired," Acelynn responded. She slapped a hand over her mouth and her eyes went wide. "I'm so sorry Prince Phoenix I was not saying that in an offensive way, it was just a comment," her apology flew out of her mouth and she watched Phoenix with scared eyes. He stood there for a moment and then he broke into a laugh. He laughed and he laughed, tears formed at the side of his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.

    "I'm not like my dad, I know I look exhausted and if we're going to be friends then you can say whatever you want to me even if it is offensive," he spoke calmly and his face held a large smile. Breathing a sigh of relief she nodded her head and moved to grab some things off of a shelf. Slowly she grabbed her favourite book and her stuffed animal and placed them in a bag. She grabbed things that meant something to her and placed them in the same bag. Phoenix watched her like a hawk. His dark eyes followed every movement as he sat casually on the corner of her bed. She watched him out of the corner of her eye and admired his looks and how attentive he was.

    "I think that's it," Acelynn sighed. Phoenix nodded his head and reached over to grab her bag from her. "Thanks," she said placing the bag in his warm hands.

    "It's the least I can do," Phoenix replied with a shrug. He held the bag in his hand and allowed Acelynn to lead the way back down the stairs.

    "I think I have everything," Acelynn called out entering the living room where her family sat. They all looked up at her with sad looks in their eyes. Farah was almost crying, Avianna was crying and the rest of them just looked upset.

    "Be brave," Avianna whispered to her daughter as she walked over and wrapped her arms around her.

    "Always am."

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