chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - Acelynn

Someone knocked softly on Acelynn's door. She groaned and rubbed her sore eyes. After crying and yelling and throwing things around her room last night she had quickly cleaned everything up and went to bed.

"Coming," she croaked her throat sore from the screaming. She tumbled out of bed and stumbled to the door. Upon opening it she discovered Queen Isa standing there a tray in her hands.

"Good morning Acelynn," she beamed. Acelynn plastered a smile on her face and opened the door for her to enter the room. She was so thankful that she had cleaned everything up last night. Acelynn walked over to her bed and sat down on the corner, the queen sat beside her. Acelynn reached for the tray and pulled a grape off of the vine. She popped it into her mouth and enjoyed the feeling as the liquid from the grape went down her aching throat.

"How are you?" Acelynn asked swallowing the rest of the grape.

"I'm very good, thank you," The queen replied "How are you doing with everything?"

"I'm good, missing home a lot. Do you think that I could go back and visit?" Acelynn inquired. She anxiously looked at the queen and waited for her answer. She just wanted to go home.

"I think that we could work that out. Does tomorrow work? I want Phoenix to go with you," queen Isa answered giving Acelynn a soft smile. Nervously Acelynn nodded her head. She didn't want to go with Phoenix. He was the last person she wanted to go with. It was the only way, she just wanted to see her family. She didn't have to talk to him the whole time. Acelynn smiled gratefully at the queen.

"Thank you," Acelynn grinned. It was going to be great. She just wanted to go see her family.

The next day came faster than Acelynn thought was possible. She climbed onto her horse with Phoenix already on his horse beside her. He glanced down at her and seemed like he was going to say something but decided against it. Acelynn hoisted herself up onto the tall horse and settled into the saddle. Tapping the horse's side lightly the horse started walking slowly.

"How was your sleep?" Phoenix asked glancing sideways at her. She closed her eyes and ignored him. This was going to be a long trip if he kept asking her things, hopefully he would take the hint. "Are you excited to see your family?" he pressed. Acelynn continued to ignore him and she looked away trying to avoid looking into his hurt eyes. He opened his mouth one more time before closing it and looking away from her. She sighed in relief and tried her best not to look at him.

"Did I do something?" Phoenix questioned anxiously. His dark eyes held fear and he stared at her intently. "At least tell me what I did so that I can try and fix it," he begged. Acelynn groaned and pressed her finger tips to the bridge of her nose.

"Stop talking to me!" she hissed at him. Phoenix looked looked scared as he watched her intently.

"Please just tell me what I did," he pleaded. She looked over at him and looked into his eyes and how sad he looked and she broke. She had to ask him if it was true.

"You are planning to use me to kill the entire Islean nation!" She scoffed. "Nixon told me. He said that you wanted me to hold the Islean army while your father's men slaughter them!" Phoenix looked shocked as if it was the first time he was hearing this.

"I promise you I had no part in planning that, I didn't even know that it was happening. Acelynn I swear that I had no idea about any of it!" Phoenix exclaimed. He stared intently at Acelynn, she could feel his eyes on the side of her face wishing for her to look at him. Against her better judgement Acelynn gave in and looked over at him. He looked so sincere and he was whispering the word please as she thought about it for a moment longer.

"You swear that you had no idea?" Acelynn doubtfully asked. She stared into his eyes and searched for any signs that he was lying to her.

"I swear I didn't!" Phoenix promised. Acelynn looked away and thought about it for a moment longer. He looked so innocent, there is no way that this was his idea. She peaked back at him from the corner of her eye and saw him as he stared at her looking hopeless.

"Okay, I believe you," Acelynn told him. "Why would Nixon tell me that?"

"I think he really likes you," Phoenix mumbled shrugging his shoulders and avoiding Acelynn's questioning gaze.

They rode in silence for the next hour to Acelynn's old house. She squirmed in her seat anxiously as they approached her small town. People stared at her as they entered, many of them bowed causing Acelynn to squirm more. She was no better than these people, in fact she was the same as these people.

"It's okay it's almost over," Phoenix whispered to her. She nodded her head and tried to avoid looking at the many people bowing at the side of the street. Acelynn dismounted her horse when they got close to her house. Hurriedly she passed the reins to the closest soldier and sprinted towards her house. Before she even got to the door it was open and her entire family was standing there waiting for her. Acelynn threw herself into her mother's arms first. She took a deep breath and reveled in the scent of her home. Next her father gave her a hug before she was passed to Farah and Ajax. Amos stood behind the family and beamed at her as she looked over Farah's shoulder. When they had finally let her go she walked over and wrapped her arms around Amos. He smiled into her shoulder and squeezed her tightly.

"Mom I brought Phoenix with me, we have become really good friends," Acelynn told her mom as she stared Phoenix as he walked towards their house with his head down.

"That's wonderful honey," she replied opening the door and allowing him to come inside with the rest of them. They all settled into the living room and Farah fired questions at them.

"What's your room like?" Farah questioned eagerly. She was practically bouncing in her seat as she waited for the answer.

"It's big, um I'm not sure how to explain it. Maybe you can come see it one day," Acelynn answered shrugging her shoulders. Farah pouted and leaned back in her chair. She wanted to know everything.

"Want to play a game?" Ajax asked pulling a deck of cards out of his pocket. Acelynn nodded her head eagerly and glanced at Phoenix who was sitting beside her nervously.

"I'll teach you as we play, don't worry," Acelynn mumbled to him as she scooched forward in her seat. He nodded his head in thanks and slid forward beside her. She whispered how to play the game in his ear as they started. Slowly Phoenix started coming out of his shell, making small jokes with Amos and talking politely with her parents. The game continued and soon Phoenix didn't need her help, he was understanding it really well and was even winning.

"Acelynn can I talk to you?" Farah asked standing up from her spot on the couch. Acelynn nodded and set her cards down on the table. She followed her older sister to her old room and watched as her sister shut the door.

"What'd you want to talk to me about?" Acelynn asked sitting down on her old bed. Farah sat beside her and smiled playfully at her.

"Are you and Phoenix dating?" She eagerly asked leaning forward in anticipation.

"You're crazy, we're just friends," Acelynn laughed. Farah looked shocked as she tried to absorb what Acelynn just told her.

"No way!" She shrieked shaking her head. Acelynn laughed again and nodded her head. It didn't matter what she felt for Phoenix if he didn't feel the same way, so they were just friends.

"I think I like him, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me," Acelynn told her shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm positive he likes you!" Farah gushed. 

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