Chapter 3

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Acelynn fidgeted in her seat as she tried to the math teacher. Her foot tapped against the ground and her pencil tapped against her paper. The teacher was drawing something on the board but Acelynn couldn't force herself to listen.

    "Mrs. Carol, there is someone at the door," a squeaky voice spoke up from the back. Nearly silently Mrs. Carol walked towards the door at the back of the classroom. She opened the door and stepped out. She talked quickly with whoever it was before returning to the class.

    "The authorities from the Palace are going to be here after lunch for blood testing, everyone make sure you eat something at lunch. I do not want to deal with sick students," Mrs. Carol announced walking towards the front of the classroom. Acelynn could feel the blood drain from her face and her stomach started doing flips. They had never actually looked for her before, they just expected the person to come forward, because who wouldn't want to be royal right?

    "Can I go to the washroom?" Acelynn asked raising her hand.

    "Sure, take your stuff with you, class is going to be over in a minute," Mrs. Carol replied noticing Acelynn's pale face and shaking hands. Acelynn nodded and slowly packed up her math supplies. She walked out of the classroom and walked towards her cubby in the hallway. She neatly placed the books in their spot and then wandered towards the washroom. She turned the sink water on cold and splashed her face with the icy water. She shut the water off and dried her face off with a towel. Quickly she rushed out of the bathroom and ran to the boys side of the school. She had to find Amos, he would know what to do.

    She rushed down the boys hall and ignored all the stares she was getting. Acelynn found Amos at the end of the hallway talking in a group of boys. He glanced over at her and then looked away before his head snapped back and he stared at her with his mouth open. She had never dared come to the boys side, they were all gross, or so she claimed.

    "I need to talk to you!" Acelynn breathed out. Her hands were still shaking and she was pretty sure that she her face was still white.

    "Come with me," Amos replied grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. They must have got the announcement to because his face was just as white as hers. He dragged her towards the back of the school where the teachers avoided and he sat down his back against the school.

    "What do I do?" Acelynn exclaimed pacing back and forth in front of him.

    "Fake sick, go home. After school I will come to your house and tell you what's going to happen. There's been rumours that they are checking houses after that, I don't think that's true but if that does happen, you can go to my house when they are at yours and then switch when they come to mine," Amos replied talking himself into the plan. He hated breaking rules.

    "Okay, I can do that. Go find Mrs. Carol and tell her that I went home sick, I'm going to sneak through the trees here," Acelynn replied walking towards the forest at the edge of the school. He nodded and walked back towards the school. Acelynn turned and started sprinting towards the trees. Once she was there the school couldn't make her stay. One of the male teachers ran out of the school and started yelling at her. She was too far away to hear, and she was definitely not going to listen anyway. She made it to the trees and slowed to a walk, she was going to make it.

    Acelynn waited at home in her room. She watched the clock anxiously waiting for school to be over. Amos would come over and tell her what she needed to do next, she just needed a plan. Her dad was at work and her mom wasn't home either which she was thankful for. They didn't need to panic yet. Finally she saw familiar white hair run down the street. She booked it down her stairs and ripped open the front door. Out of breath Amos stumbled into the house.

    "They're not coming to the houses, they barely noticed that you were missing! I think you're in the clear," Amos huffed out. He bent over and placed his hands on his knees attempting to catch his breath.

    "Oh thank goodness," Acelynn replied letting out a sigh of relief. She closed the door behind Amos and they went to the living room. Flopping on to the couch they both laughed before giving each other a hug. She was safe.

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