Chapter 11

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"I need to go see the King!" he exclaimed looking at his wife. She nodded her head in understanding and she followed him out of the training center. "Go back home, I will see you in a couple hours," he ordered her.

    "As you wish," she whispered leaving a lingering touch on his red cheek. He gave her what one could say was a loving smile and he watched her leave. As quick as he could he turned around and ran towards King Orion's office. This would be perfect, this girl was going to help them win the war whether she liked it or not. She was going to help them take over Islea. They could kill an entire nation and not lose a single man! He practically giggled to himself as he knocked on the King's door.

"Enter," King Orion's deep voice boomed from behind the closed door. Scott shoved the door open and walked in, he stood in front of the King's large ebony desk. "What do you have for me?" he questioned.

"The peasant girl you brought here yesterday, she is going to help us kill off the entire Islea nation and we aren't going to lose a single man," Scott replied. He sat down in front of the King's desk and he started telling him what he had planned "She can slow down time, if we can teach her how to control where she is slowing down time she can practically stop the Islea army in it's tracks and allow are men to kill every last one of them. If her gift is similar to Jule's we can teach her how to project it onto certain things instead of just everything," Scott explained. King Orion nodded his head a smirk forming on his face.

"This needs to happen quickly. This girl needs to become strong and learn how to do this as fast as possible. I don't want to give Islea any hope that they have a chance. This plan needs to stay between us. Nothing else changes, the men still train every day! My wife cannot know about this. She will surely disappear with the girl and the princes," King Orion ordered. Scott nodded his head and stood from his chair. He bowed to his King and walked out of the room.

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