Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Nixon

Nixon walked slowly along the damp passage. He stopped as he heard his father's loud laugh. Slowly Nixon stepped closer to the secret doorway that was well hidden. Nixon crouched down beside the door and pressed his ear to it.

"They bought it, they actually thought the young girl was Islean. We don't even have to force them to fight now," General Scott chuckled. Nixon could practically see the the sneer on his face. Nixon had always hated him. He was an awful person you could just feel it. Quickly Nixon jumped to his feet and booked it back down the passage towards the hospital room. He burst into Acelynn's room and tried to catch his breath before he started talking.

"They tricked you. The girl you brought back the other day, she wasn't Islean. General Scott hired her so that you guys would choose to fight," Nixon managed to get out. Acelynn's eyes went wide and she looked over at Phoenix.

"I can't believe this, they manipulated me!" Acelynn growled out her teeth clenched. Nixon looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry," Nixon whispered. Acelynn looked back at him smiling softly.

"Don't be, it's okay. Thank you for telling us," Acelynn told him. He nodded his head trying his best to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach.


Phoenix helped her out of the hospital bed and onto her feet. Acelynn hissed quietly as she bumped her leg with her hand. She stood up and leaned slightly on him. She was finally allowed to go back to her room.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Phoenix asked gently. Ignoring his question Acelynn started walking slowly towards the door. Sighing Phoenix followed her offering his support when he could. She leaned on him heavily once they reached the stairs. Without asking Phoenix picked her up and carried her up the rest of the stairs.

"I was going to make it," Acelynn huffed at him. Phoenix set her down at the top of the stairs and shook his head.

"Sure you were," Phoenix replied sarcastically. Acelynn rolled her eyes and started to hobble towards her room. "You're welcome," Phoenix joked catching up to her with ease.

"Thank you," Acelynn laughed stopping and holding onto the wall. "I just need to catch my breath," she told him. Phoenix knew that she wasn't going to make it, but she was not going to ask for help.

"Please just let me help," Phoenix pleaded. He hated seeing her like this. She could barely walk down the hallway there was no way she was going to be training anytime soon. General Scott truly was an idiot. If he wanted to go to war soon he shouldn't have injured any chance he had of winning. What were they going to do about the war? Nixon had told them that Agnes was all a hoax to make them fight.

"Fine," Acelynn muttered pushing away from the wall and allowing Phoenix to pick her up. She leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you," she whispered. He nodded his head and took her to her room. He let himself in and walked over to set her on the bed.

"You'll be training in no time Acelynn, try not to worry about it. If we're lucky we won't even have to fight," Phoenix told her his voice soft. She nodded her head and cuddled into her pillows.

"I want to sleep for a week," she groaned holding a pillow over her face.

"You and me both," Phoenix laughed walking towards the coach. 

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