Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Phoenix

Acelynn groaned as she climbed back on her horse causing Phoenix to laugh. He slid into his saddle smoothly and waited for her to get up. By the time she did all of them men were on their horses waiting. Phoenix chuckled again and tried to ignore Acelynn's dirty look.

"Not all of us have been riding since before we could walk," Acelynn grunted trying to adjust herself in the saddle so she could be comfier.

"My apologies," Phoenix smirked winking at her. She rolled her eyes and tried to fight back a laugh, but she failed miserably. She giggled softly and Phoenix soon joined in.

"What's over there?" Acelynn asked pointing towards the leafy green bushes. Crouched down along the side of the road was a small girl. Her clothing hung off of her and they were torn in various places. Large tears streamed through the dirt on her face. She was breathing heavily and warily glancing back towards the road.

"Are you okay?" Phoenix asked sliding gracefully off of the his horses back. He bent down and reached his hands out towards her. "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered gently. She glanced warily at him before crawling slowly towards him.

"Thank you," she hiccuped. She gripped onto his shirt and pulled herself to him. Phoenix glanced over at Acelynn and she shrugged her shoulders and tumbled off of her horse.

"For someone so coordinated you really struggle with horses," Phoenix laughed shaking his head at her. Acelynn glared as she walked towards him, she knelt down beside him and brushed the young child's blonde hair from her face.

"Would you like to come with us?" Acelynn gently asked her. The little girl turned and looked her in the eye. Phoenix watched them closely holding her tightly in his arms.

"Will you keep me safe?" the young girl questioned them nervously. Acelynn nodded her head and smiled softly at her. "Okay."

They both stood up and Phoenix gave the girl to Acelynn while he climbed onto his horse. Once he was seated and in good position he stuck his hands out for Acelynn to pass him the girl. He took her gently in his arms and positioned her safely in front of him. Phoenix watched as Acelynn scrambled into her saddle and glared at him as his amusement shone in his eyes.

"What's your name sweetie?" Acelynn coaxed. The young girl looked over and wiped away her tears.

"Agnes," she whispered giving a soft smile. Phoenix smiled over at Acelynn and nodded his head, he was proud of her. She was already acting like a leader and she didn't even know that she was going to become one. Guilt pooled in his stomach and he tried to suppress the gross feeling that it gave him.

"That's a pretty name, why were you running?" Acelynn asked softly. Agnes glanced around nervously before she started telling them her story.

"I'm running from Islea, they are going to make us fight," Agnes whimpered. "They know that you are planning an attack on us, they have been making us train ever since they found out. The government is taking us from our homes and they are forcing us to fight each other," she explained. Phoenix could feel his face turn red in anger. How could people do that, his father was a bad man, but he would never make children fight.

"I'm so sorry," Acelynn comforted her. Agnes nodded his head in appreciation before returning to a silent state. When they reached the palace the guards didn't try to stop them, they opened the gates and closed them as soon as they were through. Phoenix led them towards the barn, upon reaching the barn Acelynn again tumbled off of her horse ungracefully and she rolled her eyes as Phoenix snickered at her. She walked over and stuck her hands out for Agnes. The young girl reached for her and once she was safely in her grasp she slid off the horse. Acelynn held her with strong arms and she smiled at the young girl. Phoenix slid off of his horse and took Acelynn's horse from her. Handing the reins over to a stable hand they turned and made their way back towards the palace. A maid met them at the back door and ushered them inside.

"I'm going to find someone in the palace to take her, she will be taken care of. There is no need to worry," the older maid told them a soft smile on her worn face. Acelynn slowly let go of the girls hand and the maid wrapped her frail fingers around Agnes wrist.

"You're going to be okay, they're going to take care of you," Acelynn told her calmly. Agnes nodded her head and followed the maid as she pulled her out of the room. Sighing softly Phoenix looked over and stared at Acelynn. Feeling his gaze she looked over and gave him a sad smile.


"We're going to have to fight aren't we?" Acelynn murmured to her friend. Acelynn watched in horror as he nodded his head. Fear was in his eyes and knowing that he was scared had fear twisting Acelynn's heart. She sighed softly and leaned into Phoenix's side. She just needed a friend right now, he was all she had here.

"Just think about Agnes, that's what Islea is doing to their children," Phoenix croaked his voice hoarse like he was trying to fight back tears. She knew he didn't like this anymore than she did.

"I know," she replied. "Should we go talk to the king?" Acelynn asked looking up at Phoenix. He thought about it for a moment before nodding his head. They linked arm and Phoenix lead her towards the king's office.

"Whatever you do, do not look him in the eye, he sees that as a sign of disrespect, bow as low as you can when we enter, and only speak when spoken too," Phoenix ordered her worry dripping from his words. She nodded her head solemnly, it was going to be okay, she could do this. They reached his office faster than Acelynn would have liked. She shook her head trying to ignore the various thoughts racing through her mind. Phoenix knocked on the door loudly. They waited. Moments later the door opened and King Orion stood there a scowl permanently in place on his old face.

"What would you two like?" He sneered glaring down at Acelynn. She could feel his harsh gaze on her face and she bowed as low as she could, Phoenix was bowing beside her and she could feel arm tighten on hers.

"We have heard about your plans for the war against Islea and want to know what we can do to help," Phoenix answered. He looked up at his father and Acelynn watched him through the corner of his eye. He looked small next to him. His face was white and his brown eyes were wide. He was terrified of his father and what he was capable of.

"Come and sit down," King Orion ordered them a smirk on his face. Taking a deep breath Acelynn followed Phoenix into the room. They sat down in two large chairs that faced the king's ebony desk. King Orion strutted over to his large chair and gracefully sat down, crossing his one leg over the other. A gold crown rested on his head and black coloured eyes stared at Acelynn. She avoided his gaze and stared at his desk.

"You both need to start training harder, I need you both to be ready as soon as possible. I'm assuming you know what they are doing to their children?" King Orion asked.

"Yes, we brought one of their children here today. We found her crying in a ditch," Phoenix confirmed.

"I want this war to be quick, you need to be ready within the next couple weeks. You don't want anymore children to be hurt, do you?" King Orion urged them. Acelynn found herself nodding her head. She couldn't stand to know that these children were being hurt and forced to fight. They were just kids! They shouldn't have to worry about fighting for their lives, they should be climbing trees and playing tag!

"I don't want any of the children to be killed," Acelynn spoke up. The king gave her a cold smile and nodded his head.

"I would never," he replied his eyes flashing with delight. 

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