Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - Acelynn

Slowly Acelynn opened her eyes before snapping them shut as the the bright light blinded her. Her leg burned violently and she hissed quietly as she tried to move it. That was not happening. She felt a hand in her own and she smiled as she found Phoenix attached to that hand. He sat in the chair beside her bed his head resting on the edge of the bed. Phoenix's eyes were closed and his breathing was even. Looking across the room she saw Nixon sitting by the door also asleep. She smiled at the two boys, she had found people who cared about her. She glanced back at Phoenix and smiled. He was adorable. His mouth was slightly open and his blonde hair was sticking in every direction. She really liked him. He was so kind to her and she knew that he was going to be a good king one day. She reached over with her opposite hand and brushed some hair away from his face. Phoenix stirred and his eyes cracked open. A lazy smile found its way onto his face. He yawned and then smiled a little wider at her.

"Do you need anything?" Phoenix asked his voice hoarse from sleep.

"Could I get some water?" Acelynn answered him, her throat was scratchy and she was incredibly thirsty. Nodding his head Phoenix slid his chair out and let go of her hand. Before he had a chance to leave the door opened and a doctor in a white lab coat walked in.

"Hi Acelynn, I'm Doctor Fin. I sewed up your leg," The man said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you!" Acelynn replied a smile on her face. Phoenix nodded his head in thanks at the doctor. "When can I leave? When can I start training again?" Acelynn asked quickly.

"You should be able to leave two days and in 5 I think you could start some light training again," Doctor Fin replied shaking his head with a laugh. "We'll have to see." Acelynn nodded her head.

"Thank you Doctor Fin," Acelynn beamed at him. He nodded his head and turned to walk out the door. Phoenix followed him and came back moments later with a clear glass filled with water. He handed it to Acelynn and she greedily downed the water. Nixon stirred in the corner his eyes cracking open.

"I'm glad you're awake!" Nixon exclaimed hopping out of the chair. Acelynn smiled at him and held out a hand for him. He took it happily his cheeks turning red. Phoenix laughed and sat back down in his chair. The door opened again and Queen Isa walked in. She looked regal with a dark grey dress. It held tightly to her skin until her waist, it flared out from there and hung to the floor in sharp looking feathers.

"How are you feeling dear?" Isa asked walking over to the end of the bed.

"I'm a little sore, but I'm good!" Acelynn answered her smiling softly. Isa gestured to her leg asking if she could look. Acelynn nodded her head curious herself. She gently pulled the blanket and exposed a sore looking gash that was beautifully sewn together.

"It looks really good. Doctor Fin did a marvelous job," Isa exclaimed pulling the blanket back up. "You'll be better in no time!" 

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