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Shawn Mendes
I knew I had embarrassed her, and truly I felt awful. I could tell she wasn't one to be loud or ever be even remotely told off. Even something as small as that would cause her to be embarrassed and I knew that now. For the rest of my lesson she would look down at her book and occasionally write notes. Not once did she look up at me. The whole lesson was spent asking students questions about where I came from and all sorts off odd questions about my personal life, too inappropriate for me to answer. But still not once did she laugh, smile, or look up from that notebook I had given everyone.
"Mr Mendes? I don't get this" a girl said from behind Miss Dawson.
"What don't you get?" I said not looking up from my work on my desk.
"All this old shit language I don't get it. I mean why can't they just talk like us?"
"Because it's Jane Austen one of the greatest writers of all time. Her writing is beautiful and meaningful, if you actually took the time to think about it and not just scan over it you'd actually realise the struggle this poor girl is going through trying to find acceptance"

Everyone was shocked at the words coming from Miss Dawson's mouth. Including myself. I couldn't of said it better. I couldn't help but smile at the passion she obviously felt for the book, something we had in common.
"Sir can you help?" The girl said again.
"I think you've had enough advice from Miss Dawson there" I said and it was the first time she looked up at me this whole hour. But there was no smile on her face still and within a moment she looked down again.
The bell rang a minute later and everyone quickly packed away. Except one. She packed away slowly as if she had a strategic placing for everything within her bag.
"Miss Dawson can I have a word?"
"Faye you ready?" A tall boy said from the door.
"Yep. There's nothing to say I don't think sir. See you tomorrow" she said walking away and as she walked out the door the tall boys arm went round her shoulders and she was gone.
I ran my fingers through my hair and I sat down on the spinning chair. A small knock rang out. A young woman stood by the door and I smiled her in.
"I just thought I'd welcome you to the school an introduce myself. Hailey Lennon" She said and I shook her hand.
"As in John Lennon?"
"Yes. Like John Lennon" she laughed and I nodded.
"Shawn Mendes" I said and shook her hand again.
"How was your first day?" She said and I smiled.
"Tough. Actually. I think I insulted a student or embarrassed her before the lesson even started" I said to her and Hailey nodded her head.
"Some of the students can be especially touchy on the first day. Unless they're actually like that within themselves and soon enough you'll work out which students are naturally shy and those who just hate school" She laughed and I thanked her for the advice. "Here's my number. Call, or text, if you ever need anything. Or my office is down in the history block top floor" she said and again I thanked her.
I packed up my things, and was glad I had nothing to mark so my bag was practically empty. I walked with Hailey down to the car park and put my bag in my car.
"See you later Mr Mendes, ah, I mean Shawn. Sorry I forget when I'm not in school environments" She laughed.
"See you tomorrow Hailey" I smiled before getting in my car, sighing, and driving back to my house with thoughts of how I would apologise to Faye Dawson at some point this week. I just didn't know how.

Faye Dawson
"He's a prick" I said to Tom and Cara as we went to our lockers.
"Who is?" Cara said finally looking away from Tom. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Me Mendes the new English teacher. He embarrassed me infront of everyone bloody telling me to make eye contact with people. He can piss right off" I ranted but still only one of my two friends listed to me. "Tom can you give me a ride home now?" I said and he nodded.
"Ooh me too" Cara said and I raised an eyebrow and looked at Tom.
"C you live like two minutes from school you can walk" Tom laughed. She begged him and of course it being Tom he couldn't say no so today the three of us walked to his car.
"Dibs front" she said jumping in and I clambered into the back seat. Having been pissed of for most of the afternoon this just tops it all off.

I think Cara giggled and found every way to discreetly touch Tom during the two minutes to her house. She got out, finally and I jumped in the front.
Me and Tom sat in silence for a few moments before laughing. "She has such a huge crush on you since you finally hit puberty" I laughed and he hit my arm.
"Trust me I know. I'm not that oblivious." He said and I nodded as he reversed out of her drive.
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Er well I was planning on doing nothing" he said and I nodded.
"But what if she properly comes on to you. Would you, you know, ever date her?" I said and he shrugged.
"Dawson, I've never had to think about it. But I couldn't say. Sure she's not my usual type but I'm not just going to put her down harsh. She's our best friend" Tom said and of course he's too nice to let her down and say no.
"You're way too nice" I told him and all I received was a smile and a shrug.
We drove most of the way back in silence and he parked up in his drive. We both got out as a black Range Rover drove slowly down the road.
"Holy shit" I said looking at the car. "Tom it's Mr Mendes" I said and followed the car to the end of the street where it came to rest outside a the biggest house in this area.
"Woah he's basically our neighbour" Tom laughed and I sulked off back to my own house.
"Love you too Dawson" he shouted as I stuck my middle finger up at him and retreated into the safety of my own home.
(As Tom I picture Thomas Brodie Sangster. Imagine who you like but I will be putting his picture as Tom throughout the book because I think he's pretty damn gorgeous)

 Imagine who you like but I will be putting his picture as Tom throughout the book because I think he's pretty damn gorgeous)

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now