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Faye Dawson
I had spent the whole night sat up in bed crying to Thomas. We had talked for a good two hours about Shawn and I and eventually I forgave him. He said he spoke out of shock not anger and I did believe him. I hadn't heard from Shawn the whole night and sitting in the living room with Mum and Thomas wasn't the same without Shawn. Mum knew what went on last night and she said she was disappointed in both boys but more so Shawn for not staying to try and work it out.
"So. Instead of moping let's finish opening" Mum said and I nodded.
Already I had opened some presents from people from the party and had received clothes and money mainly.
"There's only two more here and I'm guessing they're from Thomas" Mum said and Thomas went to grab them.
"Ok before you open it I know they're not huge things" Thomas said and I smiled at him carefully undoing the wrapping.

I opened the bigger square one first. It was a brown leather book with tinted yellow pages. I opened the front cover and saw a note written in his delicate handwriting.
'Our story in pictures, happy eighteenth to my best friend. ~Thomas'
I turned over another page and scattered over the pages of the book were photos. On the beginning pages there were photos of us when we were young all the way up to yesterday night.
"Thomas this is so amazing" I beamed showing my mum the book. We spent a while just sat laughing at the photos remembering the silly stories that went with them.
He handed me another small box. I smiled at him and started to unwrap the box. I opened it and inside was a small black box. A velvet black box.
"Thomas..." my mum said and I knew I was thinking the same as her. He smiled and shook his head.
"I'm not proposing Dawson just open it" Thomas laughed and I opened the box. I pulled out the pendant and it was a necklace. A locket.
"Open it" he shrugged and I fiddled wit the clasp to open the locket. When I did I gasped.

Two photos lie inside the golden locket. One was, I'm guessing, one of the first pictures me and Thomas ever took together. And the other was a photo of us together the day he left for America. "Thomas this is so thoughtful. I absolutely love it!" I beamed and gave him a hug. He held out his hand and I put the necklace in his palm, turned and moved my hair so he could clip it round my neck.
"It's beautiful" me and Mum said and I hugged Thomas tightly before going back to admire the locket again.
"Has Shawn given you his present?" Mum asked and I shook my head no.
"Even if he has bought me something he's probably taken it back" I smiled sadly and my thoughts wandered back to Shawn. Again.
"I don't think you can take back what he got you sweetheart"
The doorbell rang causing all of us to jump.

I looked between Mum and Thomas and they both shrugged

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I looked between Mum and Thomas and they both shrugged. I had a good gut feeling of who it was and my hands started to shake lightly. With a deep breath I opened the door and saw a messy looking Shawn.
"Faye we'll leave you two for a bit." Mum said and I nodded.
"Shout if you need anything" Thomas finished for her and they both walked away into another room.
I looked Shawn up and down and honestly he looked a mess. His hair was sticking out in all directions, his eyes looked bloodshot and the shorts he was wearing had holes in.
"You look like shit" I said folding my arms.
"I feel like shit" He croaked and somehow he still sounded good.
"Come in" i motioned and steadily he walked through the door and sat gently on one end of the sofa.
I sat on the opposite chair and just looked at the broken man before me.
"I know what I said was wrong beyond all belief"
"Well you've got that right. I'm just so disappointed Shawn. You not only hurt Thomas but me as well and I know he said some shitty things but at least he was willing to calm down and talk about it" I said and Shawn nodded.
"I know I know and I'm so so sorry Faye. I'll apologise to Thomas myself. I'll do anything to make it up to you" he said walking over and bending on his knees infront of me.
"I think you owe him a big apology and also me" I said running a hand through his hair as he closed his tired eyes.
"I know and I will give you both one. How about I take you out for dinner tonight and right now I'll go and apologise to Thomas" he said and I nodded.
I kissed him quickly on the cheek and together we walked into the kitchen where Mum and Thomas were drinking tea.
"Here" Thomas said holding out a mug for me. I thanked him and took the mug.

Mum awkwardly left the room and I stood next to Thomas and Shawn stood opposite.
"Ok I think I have the most apologising to do. Thomas I'm a man and I shouldn't of said what I did I guess, and I'm being honest, I thought you had come back to take Faye so I acted out" Shawn said and I saw Thomas smile.
"You're not the first to think that one of us is trying to take the other away from someone" Thomas said and we all smiled. "I understand how it might seem between me and Faye but she's my best friend and it's just the way we are. If you're here to stick around you've just got to deal with it" Thomas finished and Shawn nodded.
"I'm sorry. To both of you" Shawn said and I smiled as Thomas stretched his hand out to Shawn, who shook it and the two boys shared a smile. "What's that?" Shawn asked pointing to the golden chain around my neck.
I held the locket out and opened it as he looked at the pictures on the inside.
"Oh wow that's beautiful" Shawn said and I nodded.
"Doubt it'll be as good as yours though man" Thomas said and I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head and we all walked outside to where my mum sat with Shawn on her lap.

"I still think that cats ugly" Thomas said and I picked her up.
"That's what I said when I first saw it" Shawn chuckled and I rolled my eyes at them both as they sat side by side.
"She's not ugly she's just different" Mum said and I nodded stroking the Persian cat.
"Me and Shawn are going to go out tonight if that's ok?" I aimed the question at my Mum but looked up at Thomas as I said it.
Thomas smiled and nodded discretely holding out his hands. I held out Shawn who grumbled as she was passed to Thomas.
"Yes that's fine with me" Mum said and I nodded. I just hoped things would go back to the way they were.

All of us sat in the garden playing around with the cat for an hour, laughing and talking like we were all the happiest we've been in a long time.
"I should probably go and get ready if I'm taking you out tonight" Shawn said and I smiled as he stood up. "See you later" Shawn nodded at my mum and again shook Thomas' hand.
"I'll walk you to the door" I said pushing myself off the ground.
"So, I have to ask, are we dating or not?" Shawn asked and I sucked in a quick breath.
"Oh. Well why don't you ask and then we'll see" I smiled and Shawn took both of my hands as we stood next to the door.
"Will you please, for the second time, be my girlfriend?" Shawn smiled and I stood up on my toes wrapping my arms round his muscly back. I kissed his lips quickly.
"Yes I will."
"I promise I will try my absolute hardest to treat you as you deserve and always be there for you. And to not get jealous about you and Thomas" Shawn smiled and I laughed lightly.
"Well, as long as that happens then I can see this going a long way" I said honestly and I think I saw Shawn blush a little.

We said our goodbyes and he kissed me again before leaving the house. I knew he would be back at seven so I had some time now to relax before he came.
"I'm glad you're happy again" Thomas said taking me into his arms.
"So am I. I just hope it stays this way now" I told him.
"So do you want to watch some Family Guy and eat the popcorn in the cupboard before you have to get ready?" Thomas asked knowing that was my favourite thing to do. I nodded and that's what we did until I had to get ready.

"Apparently it's quite fancy" I said to my mum who was helping me get ready. "But not that fancy" I said as she held up a long black floaty dress.
I scanned through my wardrobe and picked out a red dress that came down to my calves and was tight, with a little collar on the neckline. There were buttons on the chest that I left open, showing a bit of cleavage.
"It looks nice" Mum nodded and I started on my makeup.
I just did a very natural look and left my hair straight and down. I paired the look with some white flats and walked down the stairs.
"You look gorgeous as always" Thomas said and I hugged him just as the doorbell rang.
Mum opened the door as Thomas flung an arm round my shoulders.
Shawn stood in the doorway dressed in black jeans and a shirt. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded grabbing my black bag and walking over to Shawn. I told my mum and Thomas I'd see them tonight.
"You look beautiful" Shawn said looking over at me as he drove. I felt myself blush at his compliment.
"Yeah yeah eyes on the road" I laughed and he smiled.
I just hoped this dinner went well.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now