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Faye Dawson
It had been almost a week since Shawn got taken in. I had had several meetings with him and Mr O'Brien but Shawns old professor hadn't contacted him back. Things really were shit. I couldn't talk to Shawn, well, Shawn wouldn't talk to me anymore.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair as I bit my fingers staring at my phone. I groaned pulling at my hoodie before shaking my head and picking up my phone. I pressed his contact and waited as it rung.
"I know it's probably late at night for you and I'm sorry"
"No no it's fine it's ok" Thomas said.
"What's going on" I heard a girls voice in the background.
"Do you have a girl over?" I asked smiling a little and Thomas laughed. "At least one of us is having a good time" I said and my eyes welled with tears.
"Shit Faye what's going on?"
"Shawn's been arrested because he stole another mans work to claim fame. He's a fraud and a thief" I cried down the phone.
"Oh Jesus. What's happening to him?"
"He's in a holding cell until the man comes to the U.K. and then they'll discuss what comes next" I said sniffling.
"Shit this really really wasn't expected. However-"
"Don't say it" I warned.
"I did tell you he was hiding something" Thomas said trying to put humour into the situation.
"But he's committed a crime Thomas. I don't know how to act around him, or talk to him, I'm so tense all the time" I said sitting on the floor by my window.
"I can come home if you want me to Faye it's not an issue" Thomas offered and I thought about it.
"I would like you to come home but you've only just got back, besides I don't know how you could help" I said honestly.
"I know but I want to be there to support you"
"I just don't know what to do Thomas. I mean my boyfriend is in a holding cell. I'm struggling to know what to do" I sighed.
"Why not visit this man yourself? Get his address and number and give it a go? You could tell him more about what Shawn's become now than the police could" Thomas suggested and it was as if a great big lightbulb had gone off in my head.
"Your a genius and I love you" I said as I smiled for the first time in the past two days.
"I love you too Dawson" Said Thomas blowing a kiss down the phone before hanging up.

I decided that I would go down to the station to pay Mr O'Brien and Shawn a visit.
I got dressed into a simple red dress and went to the station where I was greeted happily.
"Miss Dawson, always a pleasure" Mr O'Brien said kissing my cheek. "What can I do for you?"
I smiled and sat in the chair opposite him.
"I want the information for Shawn's old professor" I said bluntly getting straight to the point.
Mr O'Brien looked taken back as I told him what I wanted. He stared at me for a moment as if I were crazy, before taking a deep breath and sighing.
"Miss Dawson we've had no contact back from him at all. I doubt that you'd have any luck"
"At least let me try" I begged and again he sighed.
"We'll ask Shawn" he said leading me to where Shawn was being held.

"Morning." I said as O'Brien left the room.
"What do you want Faye?" Shawn said not bothering to look at me.
"Get your head from out of your ass asshole I'm actually going to try and help you" i said. He's been getting more and more grumpy as time went on and I'd had enough.
"I don't want your help Faye. There's nothing you can do that they can't. Just go home" He growled and I banged my fist infront of him causing us both to jump.
"If your giving up on yourself then fine. But I'm sorry that it's killing me everyday to see you like this. I'm trying to help you you ungrateful man!" I yelled walking to the door.
"Faye wait. I'm sorry I just"
"No. No you don't get the explanation. You should just be happy that I'm actually going to do something for you" I said sternly.
"You can't be angry! I'm the one fucking stuck in a cell!" Shawn yelled his voice cracking lightly.
"And I'm going to get you out"
And with that I closed the door and an officer locked it as I marched back to O'Brien.

"Give me the information" I demanded holding my hand out.
He laughed shaking his head handing me a file.
"Go for it" was all he said before I walked out of the station, file in hand, and into my car.
I drove to a small coffee shop to look through the papers in peace.

"Ok" I sighed to myself as I punched the professors number into my phone and pressed call. I tapped my toes on the floor and my fingers on the table, taking my lip in between my teeth.
"This better not be someone trying to sell me anything again I swear to god" I heard down the phone and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm not" I laughed.
"Right ok you sound friendly so state your business" the man said.
"Sorry sir but am I talking to Raoul Olman?" I asked and heard a laugh down the phone.
"You are indeed my dear what can I do for you"
"Please don't hang up, but I am contacting you to talk to you about the Shawn Mendes case" I said scrunching up my nose at the silence on the other side of the phone.
"Mendes? I've not heard that name in a while" Raoul said and I furrowed my brow.
"Have you not heard about his case from the police here in Britain?" I asked.
"No I haven't. You're the first contacting me about the boy" he told me and a bubble of anger rose inside me. "What's happening with him now?"
"He's in prison sir. Well, a holding cell. For fraud over the theory he stole from you and published" I said hating that this was happening when me and Shawn were finally getting to be happy.
"Prison? I never knew. Why's he in there? Why haven't I been informed?" Raoul questioned and I sighed.
"I had been told someone had told you."
"Why have you told me this?"
"He's my boyfriend sir. He's been in there for around a week and I know it's not long but his personality has changed and I promised him I would help. Sir, I refuse to let my boyfriend be dragged down the drain by a crime he did because he was desperate." I ranted not being able to hold it back.
"I can see you care for the boy" Olman said and I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I don't know what I could do to help you miss..."
"Dawson sir, Faye Dawson" I said confidently.
"Miss Dawson. I don't know what I can do to help you"
"Come to England. You can talk to the head of police here and get him out" I suggested.
"You want me to fly out there and save your boyfriend who stole my work that got him millions?" He asked and I guess from his point of view it did seem a ridiculous ask.
"Yes?" I said not meaning for it to come out a question.
"It's a big ask, and i have no reason to help you. However, you remind me of my wife. Strong minded, confident and would always get me out of sticky situations. I miss her greatly. But I have a request. I want you to fly out to me first, so I can meet you. And if I like you and trust you and see reason for me coming then I'll fly back to England with you," Raoul said and my heart started to race,
"Yes sir. Of course" I stuttered.
"I'll have my assistant look up flights and will get in touch Miss Dawson" Raoul said and my breath got caught in my throat.
"You're being serious?"
Raoul laughed down the line and my leg began to jitter with excitement.
"Yes I am Miss Dawson. Goodbye"
"Thank you sir! I'll talk to you soon" I said before cutting the call.

In the middle of the cafe I stood up and laughed so loudly letting off a little scream before gathering my things, going to my car and getting back to the station as quickly as I possibly could.
"Guess who's coming to England" I said bursting into Shawn's cell where Mr Obrien was as well.
"You didn't"
"Oh I fucking did. He's invited me to his home in America to tell Him of what Shawn's been doing and to convince him to come. And he told me something interesting. He said that you haven't even tried to contact him" I said pointing a shaking finger at the head police man.
"You son of a bitch" Shawn said and Mr O'Brien's face went red.
"I just. I couldn't- I have no excuse. The more people I send to prison the more I get paid" Obrien said and I scoffed.
"You're despicable. Well I'm making sure that Raoul Olman is coming to England and he's agreed to talk this out to help Shawn so you" I pointed to Shawn "better get your game on and be a nice man and you better do a fair job"
I said and winked at a pleasantly surprised Shawn, before walking out of the station feeling more confident than I ever have before.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now