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Faye Dawson
I was falling for him. And I was falling for him fast. No matter how hard I tried to distance myself I couldn't do it. I truly was drawn to him. And being with him now in the silence of his house, the tension unreasonably high, it was so much harder to just stay away. Luckily, before either of us gave into temptations, Thomas rang.
"Hey Dawson"
"Hey. You ok?" I asked as I realised his tone was a bit down.
"Yeah I'm ok just so tired." He sighed, " Look there's something I have to tell you. There's this girl and I know it's quick but do you mind if I ask her on a date?" Thomas asked and I smiled to myself.
"Thomas it's absolutely fine. As long as she makes you happy" I told him and his tone instantly worked up.
"She does. I mean she's not as good as you but I do like her Faye" he told me and I couldn't help a tear fall from my eye.
"I'm happy that you're happy" I whispered.
"Have you got anyone? I don't mind" he laughed and another tear fell.
"It's complicated" I smiled wiping the tears away and Shawn raised an eyebrow at me. "I like someone Tommy I really like them but we probably shouldn't be together no matter how much I like him" I kept the eye contact between me and Shawn all whilst I spoke and I watched his chest move up and down slowly.
"I'm sure it will work out. If you like each other and want to be with each other then go for it. Fuck whatever they think" he said and I smiled still not being able to stop the tears. "Hey I gotta go But I'll Snapchat you. Love you Dawson"
"Love you too Tommy" I smiled before hanging up the phone and collapsing down onto a chair.

I ran my hands through my hair and Shawn bent down to my level. He pulled my hands from my hair and held them in his.
"You really feel that way?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. I nodded slowly and he smiled cupping my face in his large hands. "Then do what he says! Fuck what people say! You're almost eighteen Faye and then no one can say shit" Shawn grinned and I thought about what he was saying.
"I still think it's illegal to date your teacher Shawn" I said taking my hands from his and putting them into my lap.
"If you don't want it and it makes you uncomfortable then tell me. And I'll stop all of this. I'll stop trying." Shawn said standing up and walking towards the stairs.
"Shawn," I turned in the chair.
"I just want you to be happy" Shawn smirked starting to unbutton his shirt and disappearing up the stairs.

Don't do it. Don't go up there. Don't want him. No matter how many times I repeated those words in my head I still wanted him. And I wanted him badly.
I bit my lip as I pushed in the chair and as quickly as I could I ran up the stairs. I walked briskly to where I remembered his room to be and pushed open the door lightly.
As I poked my head in I saw Shawn lying on his large bed still fully clothed. I came into the room and shut the door quietly behind me. Shawn turned his head and smiled at me. I couldn't hold back any longer.
I walked quickly over to him and straddled his waist.
"Fuck it" I breathed before pushing my lips into his.

I laced my fingers with his and held his arms above his head. As we continued to kiss I let his hands go so I could unbutton his shirt, leaving it hung open. His chest rose and fell deeply and quickly as I ran my nails over his skin. He played with the hem of my shirt after I pulled off my jacket. I nodded and he sat up slipping it over my head.
I connected our lips together again, being gentle and slow this time. I felt his hand on my thigh and my heart started to race out of my control.
"Why the sudden change?" He asked as I lay down beside him bending one of my legs over his crotch.
"I like you Shawn. I've always felt something towards you. And I did love Thomas I still do, but he's moved on and I can't deny that I want to be with you." I told him feeling the heat radiate off his body as I drew circles onto his chest.

"We can take this slowly" he whispered tracing his hands along my curves.
"What are you saying?" I whispered playing with his little curls.
"I want to give us a shot Faye" Shawn smiled and I knew a blush had appeared on my cheeks.
"Ok" was all I managed to squeak out before he pulled my face close to his and gave me a gentle kiss. "Are you coming to graduation in a few weeks?" I asked Shawn cuddling into his side.
"Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it" he smiled stroking my hair.
"I don't get why it's such a big deal" I laughed tiredly.
"Because it shows you're moving on. You're growing up" Shawn said and I looked up to him placing a careful kiss onto his jaw. "I don't know how I'm going to resist you in school" he laughed and I felt heat rise to my face.
"Will you come up to my room to have lunch?" He asked and I nodded.
"Of course. As long as you can keep your hands to yourself" I smirked and Shawn rolled his big brown eyes.
"I'll try but no promises" he smiled and I snuggled up further to him.

"I don't want to have to hide this Faye but you understand why don't you?" He asked, his voice becoming low and husky as he got tired.
"I know Shawn. I don't like it either but I know why we have to" I sighed.
Shawn kissed the top of my forehead and I smiled knowing I had someone as good as Shawn in my life, to help me and to be there for me now Thomas had moved.
"So does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" He asked and that word made my heart miss a beat. I smiled to myself.
"I think you'll have to ask me again properly and then we'll see" I played with him and laughed as I heard him groan.

Little did I know that over that week he would try his absolute hardest to show me that he really wanted this.

Little did I know that over that week he would try his absolute hardest to show me that he really wanted this

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now