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Faye Dawson
"I'm not sure about this Shawn. What if we don't get on that well?" I said as Shawn drove us to his parents.
"They'll love you. You're a wonderful person. Just be yourself" Shawn said as we pulled up to the house.
Slowly we got out of the car and knocked on their door. I played with the ring on my finger as we waited and brushed down my jeans before the door swung open.
"Morning. Aaliyah can't come with us as she's got her own plans but I'm happy to still go if you're ok with that" Karen said.
I nodded and said goodbye to Shawn, giving him a long hug and a kiss, before getting in a car with his mum.
"What was your full name again?"
"Er Faye Dawson" I said as she drove out of the driveway.
She nodded and we remained silent until we reached a very large shopping centre.
"Fuck this is huge" I whispered to myself and Karen laughed

"Do you want to get something to eat?" I asked and Karen nodded.
We sat down at an Italian restaurant and I could sense a bit of tension.
"I think that we should just get straight to it and get rid of this tension. How long have you and Shawn been together?" Karen asked and I nodded.
"On and off since September last year. I mean at first I couldn't stand him and I won't lie to you I really didn't like him. But as time went by I was really struggling in life and he helped me so much. We didn't mean to fall in love it just happened" I said and she smiled.
"I can tell he likes you. I mean he's brought girls home before and he has this girl friend Camila that he always talks to" Karen said and I raised an eyebrow.
"Camila? Is she a lawyer?" I asked and Karen shook her head.
"No no she sings. Her and Shawn used to sing together. Why would you think she's a lawyer?"
"Because when Shawn was in prison he hired a lawyer called Camila. That's who he cheated on me with and I just thought that's a really big coincidence that his lawyer and his best friend have the same name" I said and Karen nodded.
"I could see why you would think that but no she sings. She's a lovely girl" Karen smiled and inside I felt a pang inside me.

If his mum loves this girl then no doubt she's a big part of Shawn's life.
"I even hoped they'd be the ones to get married" she laughed and I choked on my water. I coughed and tried to hide the pull in my heart and the lump in my throat. I looked at her hoping she would say that she liked me more, or that she thought we had potential but she said nothing.
"I'm sorry I just need to go to the loo a sec" I said "excuse me" I said barely above a whisper.
I rushed myself to the toilet and pulled at my hair before getting out my phone.

I dialled Shawn's number and waited.
"Hey all ok?"
"This was a mistake Shawn." I whispered.
"Hey hey what's happened? Shall I come there?"
"No. But me and your mum were talking and she said that there's a girl called Camila and she hoped that you two would get married and she didn't say anything about how she liked me more or anything. She prefers this Camila girl" I said, my ears tearing up.
"Fuck Faye. I'm so sorry I'm with Camila and Dad right now I don't know why she would say that I'm sorry"
"Wait your with her?"
"Yeah. We're all out for lunch but let me know when you're on your way back and I'll come home" Shawn said "I have to go Faye but just get out ther and show her you're the amazing girl I love" Shawn said and I wiped my tears away.
"Ok I love you" I said before hanging up the phone and walking back to our table.

"Sorry there was a line" I lied and Karen nodded.
We ate pretty much in silence apart from the odd comment or question.
Once we paid we window shopped for an hour before deciding to get back in the car and drive home.
I texted Shawn that we were on our way back.
'On our way back x'
'We're already at home. Camilas here because she said she wants to see Mom'
'Ok. I just want to see you x'
'I'm here. I love you xx' Shawn text and I smiled biting my nails a bit.
"That Shawn?" Karen asked and I nodded.
"Yeah" I smiled fiddling with my ring a little.

"Thank you for lunch" I sighed getting out of the car.
"My pleasure" Karen smiled and I smiled back. It was as if she didn't realise that what she had said had an effect on me.
She opened the door and we went into the living room where we were met with Shawn, his dad and a small dark haired girl which I'm guessing was Camila.
I locked eyes with Shawn and I had to swallow down tears. It was if he ignored everyone else and just made his way over to me and took me into his arms and it was almost impossible to swallow down the tears.

"Faye I really really need your help with something" Shawn said as he walked up the stairs so I smiled and walked up to his old room.
As soon as we were in with the door shut he took me in his arms and I let the tears fall silently.
"This is like a you and Thomas situation" Shawn said but I shook my head.
"Well it's not because my mum loves you and she'd rather me be with you once she met you" I said and he sighed.
"I know I'm sorry. I really don't know why she said that. Me and Camila are or were close but we never dated. People thought we did but we never dated"
"No no I believe you and I'm not jealous but it hurts that I was so hopeful but your Mum obviously likes her better and that hurts" I explained and Shawn nodded.
"I'm sorry Faye. But just remember I love you. I love you so much" Shawn said giving me one last hug. "I wouldn't of given you that ring if I didn't feel as strongly as I do" he said and we pulled away as the door opened.

"Shawn Faye do you want to come downstairs?" Shawn's father said and we both nodded following him out the door. Shawn started downstairs and I took a deep breath and started down the stairs, but a hand was placed on my shoulder.
"Faye I just wanted to say that I know Karen is very attached to Camila and she seems to have this idea in her head that her and Shawn will be together. But, personally, I think you're probably perfect for Shawn from what he's told me"
"Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me" I said smiling and he nodded before we both walked into the sitting room where everyone was including Aaliyah. I looked round and there wasn't any space until Aaliyah smiled and moved up on the couch. I smiled and sat next to her.
"So. You must be Shawn's friend" Camila said and I scoffed.
"No. I'm his girlfriend" I said smiling and Shawn smiled back at me. I saw that she noticed my ring and her face turned red.
"Are you getting married?"
"In the future yes hopefully" I replied.
"Bit quick isn't it? You're only young" Camila smiled.
"That's what I think I mean you never know what is going to happen"
"Nothings going to happen because I love him and whether you like it or not Shawn loves me as well."
"Yes well you never know" Camila said and Karen nodded her head.
"You know what. I've tried to be nice to you. I tried to be nice and friendly. I got your son out of trouble but no. Not good enough for you. Just face the fucking fact, Shawn loves me. I love him. That's that and that is how it will stay. However, if you're not going to accept that and you're going to continue to judge me and our love then I don't want to be in this house" I said standing from my seat and quickly grabbing my phone. "Manny, Aaliyah I'm sorry" I said before lifting my head up high and walking out of the house.

 "Manny, Aaliyah I'm sorry" I said before lifting my head up high and walking out of the house

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now