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Thomas Scott
I couldn't quite believe that me and Faye had kissed last night. I didn't think much of it because I know that she probably didn't think much of it. I was waiting in the car for her in her driveway and she was taking her time this morning. I sounded my horn again and Faye stormed out of her house and started walking down the road. "Dawson what the fuck!?" I yelled at her but she flipped me off. I reversed quickly out of her driveway and drove slowly beside her.
"Dawson get in the car."
"No" she argued back I stopped the car and repeated myself. She sighed and threw open the door climbing in beside me. I drove to school and saw we were early as I parked up.
"What's wrong?" I asked her and she turned to look at me, gave me a sarcastic smile then reached for the door. I quickly locked all the doors and she groaned. "Dawson just talk to me. I'm your best friend!"
"Last night meant nothing to you! At all! I can't look at you knowing that kiss meant the world to me and to you it meant fucking nothing!" Tears started to pour from her red, blood shot eyes. But I didn't know what to say to her. I was taken back at the thought she might have feelings for me. But she didn't take my silence as a good thing. "I fucking knew it. Why do it Thomas! Why do it when you know I mean nothing to you! Why do it when you know the kiss would mean nothing to you and you knew it was so special to me!" She yelled and jumped out the car over the door and stormed away. I turned off the engine and jumped out myself grabbing my bag.
"Dawson! Dawson wait" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her to me cupping her face in my hand for a moment watching her tears fall, my heart breaking with each tear that fell.
"Can't you see that I care so much for you?" I told her but she shook her head.
"If I mean that much to you then that kiss would of been everything" she cried and pulled away from me walking off.
"Fuck!" I yelled hitting someone's locker.
"What's my locker ever done to you?" A familiar voice said from behind me and I groaned. I didn't want to see her right now.
"Sorry Cara" I said and she stood up close to me.
"What's up with you and Dawson? I saw you two getting angry just then" she asked holding my arm.
"We got in an argument about something" I said to her not wanting to give too much away. But she rolled her eyes at me.
"What did you argue about?" She tried to pry but I didn't want to tell her. I didn't want her to know about what happened. She didn't need to know.
"Nothing big" lie. It was the biggest thing for me. All I wanted to do was to talk to Dawson about it and tell her how much she, and the kiss meant to me. "Anyways I have to talk to you about something" I said to Cara and she nodded. "But you can't tell Dawson about it" I quickly added.
"Ooh a secret between us two. That's different" she bit her lip and stroked my arm.
"There's a party this weekend and you're invited at one of the guys house" I told her and she clapped her hands. "I'll pick you up Friday at nine" I told her and walked off wanting the conversation to be over.
"You got it babe" she yelled in my direction and I cringed.
"Babe huh?" I heard as I rounded the corner. Today was not my day. It was like a day from hell.
"Faye it's not what you think"
"Well I hope not because what it sounds like is my best friend taking my first kiss, not giving a shit about it, and then now he's moved straight on to my other friend. Low Tommy real low" she said and I didn't want to let her walk away but once again I didn't know what to say to her.
I was such a fucking idiot.

Faye Dawson
It was the end of the day and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to ride with Thomas but it wasn't like I lived just down the road, it was a good half hour, forty minutes away. My mum couldn't come get me because she worked. I groaned and sat down out the front of school. I looked over to the car park and saw Thomas and fucking Cara get into his car and drive away. I was beyond mad. How could he do that to his best friend?
"Miss Dawson?" I heard a voice that I really didn't want to hear right now.
"What" I said at him and his little girlfriend.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I'll see you later Mr Mendes" Miss Lennon said and I cringed at them. He waved her off and when he was done with that he turned back to me.
"With you? Not really. I just want to go home but I have no fucking way to get there unless I walk" I groaned and he sighed.
"Where do you live?" He asked and I sniggered.
"Down on Park Main road" I told him and he smiled.
"No way me too. If it's not seriously creepy then you can get a ride home with me?"
"Isn't that kind of illegal? What about the school security cameras?" I said to him smirking.
"Well then you walk out of school round the corner onto Downton road and I will meet you there."
"I still think this is illegal but I really don't want to walk so ok" I sighed and we went to put the illegal plan in action.
I walked round the corner away from the prying eyes of the school cameras and waited.
"Get in" Mendes said coming to a halt beside me and I jumped in his car.

"Why did you come here?" I asked him

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"Why did you come here?" I asked him.
"I wanted a new environment" he shrugged keeping his eyes on the road. I nodded and got out my phone to see three missed calls and five texts from Thomas. I replied to none. "Boy troubles?"
"None of your business. But kind of. In a best friend way not anything else." I said and it was his turn to nod. There was a sort of tension between us that I couldn't put my finger on. It was as if a weight pressed down on my chest.
"Which is your house?" He asked pulling onto our road.
"That one there" I pointed out my olive green door to him and he pulled up next to my drive way. "Thank you Mr Mendes. Even though it was very illegal." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.
"I want you to stop by my office after school tomorrow if that boys still being a dick I'll drive you again" he said and I though about it.
"What if somebody sees?"
"Miss Dawson I'm giving you a ride home, we're not dating" he laughed and I nodded.
"Ok will do. Thank you" I said getting out of the car and closing the door. He drove off with a wave and i ran up and entered my house slamming the door behind me.
"What are you getting yourself into?" I asked myself as I stroked my Persian cat Shawn, who is a girl. But we didn't know that so the name Shawn just stuck. I took her into my room and went over the days events. I fought with my best friend and my teacher drove me home. I was just glad the weekend was coming up.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now