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Thomas Scott
I had everything ready for Faye to come over. I had one of her favourite movies on, pizza, chocolate, cookies everything set up in my room. Now I just had to wait for her. I knew she had tutoring so that was ok, even if I didn't understand why she had the extra help from Mendes I knew it was important for her so I wasn't going to mess with it. I sat in my kitchen on my phone just pointlessly scrolling round social media as I waited for her. When the doorbell rang I got more and more nervous and I doubted whether to tell her or ask her at all. But I had to tell her. She was my best friend I couldn't keep this from her. But still it doesn't mean I wasn't nervous out of my mind.
"Hey Tom" Faye said as she came into the house.
"Hey Dawson" I said as she put her bag down and came to give me a cuddle. I loved our little hugs and cuddles. "Come on" I said pulling away and taking her hand, leading her upstairs to my room, her surprise protected by the closed door.
"What's all this about?" She laughed as i covered her eyes with my hand and opened the door. I pushed her forward slightly into the room.
"Keep your eyes closed" I said and she covered her own eyes as I went to close the door. "Ok ready?" I said standing the other side of my bed.
"Yes hurry up" Dawson laughed and I shook my head at her inpatient nature.
"Ok open" I said and she uncovered and opened her eyes.

When she saw what I had done her jaw dropped and her mouth hung wide open. "Oh my god Thomas what is all this for?!" She said sitting down and I sat down beside her.
"Well as you know I have something to tell you and also something to ask you" I said as she stared into my eyes. "Ok here goes" I breathed and saw her raise her eyebrow at me.
"I'm leaving Faye. In nine months. I know you have your prom the night before I leave" I said and her face was a picture of pure sadness. It broke my heart.
"Wh-where? Why?" She said on the verge of tears.
"America. You know my dad's been out there for a while and mums decided to move us over there to be with him" I explained to her but it didn't make it better.
"I'll come with you" she started to cry and shrugged.
"You can't Faye. What about your mum?"
"She'll be fine. I'll apply to university out there and and I can be with you" she smiled and I shook my head.
"No! No I'm not loosing you after all this time. You're not just walking away" she stood up wiping her tears away. I stood up and took her into my arms trying to sooth her.
"I've already applied for uni out there and I've been accepted by three. I'm so sorry" I said and her own crying made me start to cry. I pulled away from her to see her eyes bloodshot and checks red. "Hey hey lets be positive. We have nine months. Prom. All sorts"
" you want to come to another prom with me?" She smiled and I laughed remembering last time. I nodded and got down on my knees taking the pizza box from on the bed.
"So. Faye. In nine months. Will you go to your prom with me?" I smiled through the tears opening the lid. Faye smiled and got on her knees as well.
She reached in the pizza box and pulled out the pizza that spelt out prom. She took out the p and started to eat it.
"Yes Thomas. I will go to prom with you" she smiled.
"I'm so so sorry I have to le-"
"Shh. We're not thinking about it. We're not talking about it until we have to. I just want to enjoy this. Enjoy you" She whispered brushing a piece of hair from my face.
"Well we have the rest of the evening. So we can eat, watch movies and just be together if that's ok with you?" I asked her and she nodded sighing heavily.

I hated knowing I was leaving her after we've been best friends for so long. I knew that when the time came for it, my heart would break when I had to get on the plane and leave her. It would probably be the hardest thing I'll have to do in my life.
"So how's your love life?" She piped up as we are the prom pizza.
"Non existent. You?" I shrugged.
"Non existent" She said and looked down.
"Is that a lie?" I raised my eyebrow and she shrugged.
"No. No boys are attracted to me" She said blushing.
"I'm attracted to you" I said as we finished the pizza.
"No but I mean really attracted to me"
"I am really attracted to you"
"Stop it" She said rolling her eyes but I grabbed her hands in an attempt to pull her to me. Again she rolled her eyes and moved closer to me. "You're a beautiful girl Faye. And I've only come to realise it. But I really think that you're so beautiful. I just never thought I'd ever have a chance with you" I laughed and she smiled but looked in thought.
"I'm attracted to you Tom but what would happen if we started to date. I couldn't deal with you being in America" she sighed and I nodded.
"No I know. But nine months is still something rather than nothing" I raised my eyebrow.
"What are you saying?" She said leaning back away from me slightly before flopping down on her back.
I pulled myself on top of her and looked into her eyes. "Be my girlfriend for nine months" I said and she blinked a few times looking up at me.
"I Erm"
"We'd do all the normal relationship things be properly boyfriend and girlfriend but I guess it's just an agreement to break up in nine months" I shrugged still on top of her. She covered her face with her hands but I pulled them away quickly. "You don't have to give me an answer now. Think about it." I said and she nodded.
"I definitely will" she reassured me which made me feel positive.
"Then lets just forget about it all and just enjoy" I smiled. "Can I kiss you?" I asked nervously as if I'd never kissed her before. She nodded and I leaned down to kiss her.

I felt her hands in my hair and I held my weight up on my arms. I kissed her hard and her hands ran down my front and to the hem of my shirt. She tugged it upwards and I sat up pulling away from her.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm not asking to have sex with you Tom it's just being in underwear. I've seen you in your underwear before" she smiled.
"Not like this. This is different"
"How is it different? I've seen you in your underwear so what?" She said and for some reason I got annoyed.
"Because you don't know what this would mean. I don't know if I could stop. I'm so attracted to you I want you" I confessed and she nodded.
"I'm not ready for sex Tom"
"I know I know. And I would never ever make you. I'm sorry this was stupid" I said getting off her and out onto my little balcony grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter as I shut the door.

I lit a cigarette and put it in my mouth hanging my arms over the balcony and hanging my head. I don't know why I got so annoyed. I just want her so badly but I knew that I was leaving and I didn't want to build something up so big and have to leave it behind.  It would make everything so much harder.
I heard the door to the balcony open. "You know I hate that." I flicked the cigarette away and turned to her. She came over and wrapped her arms round my shirtless body and I cuddled her back. I kissed her head and out my chin on top of her head, feeling her heart beat against my body. I knew this was the girl I wanted to be with. This is the girl I love.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now