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Faye Dawson
"You and Thomas ok? I spoke to Linda last night and she said Thomas came home upset from a party?" Mum questioned and I shrugged and looked outside to see Thomas in his car looking dull.
"He lied to me so I told him he has to work to earn my trust"
"Have you two kissed yet?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me and my eyes widened.
"I'm going to be educated now bye" I said closing the door on any more possible questions she could want to ask.
I jumped into Thomas' car and smiled at him, which he returned.
"How are you getting along with Mendes?"
"Better actually. A lot better" I smiled and he nodded putting his hand on my leg.
"I told you it would be fine"
"Hey both hands on the wheel you lunatic driver" I laughed, causing him to smile.
"How would you feel about riding my bike to school..." he said cautiously and I turned in my seat to face him. "My cars got to go in for repairs for about a week and all I have is my bike"
"Do you have two helmets?" I asked cautiously and he nodded.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I undid my seatbelt and went to get out of the car. He just sat there.
"I'll be in in a second" he said and dug round in the car pocket. I nodded and the rattling of his hand stopped. I quickly turned round to see him stick a cigarette in his mouth.
"Hey!" I grabbed the unlit cigarette and threw it out of the car. "If you're wanting to prove to me you're sorry that's not the way to go about doing it. You know I hate the thought of what that does to you" I ranted at him as his hands ran circles in his hair.
"It's just been a very long week. I'm sorry." He smiled sadly and I showed him a half smile. I took his hand and placed a small kiss to the back of it.
"Please don't damage yourself" Tom nodded and I smiled getting out of the car. "I'll see you at lunch ok?"
"Ok. Love you Dawson."
"Love you Tommy" I yelled back as I walked into the main school building and sighed at having to spend the rest of my day here.

Finally it was my last lesson of the day. And it was English as per usual. I was glad it was English, at least me and Sh-Mr Mendes were on good terms now. Or so I thought before Mr serious himself walked into the room and immediately after walking in he bent down to my desk. "Wait behind after lesson" he whispered as everyone indulged in their own conversations. I gulped and nodded.
What does he want? What could he possibly want to talk to me about now. And it was the way he looked so serious about it too, that made me nervous the entire lesson. I sat in my seat trying not to freak out, biting my fingernails trying to focus on what I'm doing, but not succeeding. I tapped my foot on the carpet floor, readjusted my jacket several times but nothing would get it off my mind.
The bell rang showing the end of the lesson and it made my heart beat so much faster. Oh god what does he want. I stayed sat in my seat but didn't lift my eyes to meet his figure. I heard him walk over to the door and close it, pulling down the curtain to block anyone from looking in. Shit, what was going on?! His actions of pulling the curtain down slowly, his slow walking and silence as he walked, all made me all the more nervous to be in the room with him. But I couldn't help think about how attractive he was. His fluffy brown hair, his broad shoulders and muscle, his gorgeous smile and brown eyes just made up this beautiful man before me. I couldn't deny it any longer. I fancied him. But he was still making me nervous, no matter how attractive he was he was acting very strange.

"What do you want Mr Mendes?" I managed to squeak out.
"I saw you kiss him last night"
"We talked about it. He said he would do all he can to show me he's sorry. I said I'll forgive him when I see that he is" I explained shrugging my shoulders.
"Why the need for a kiss in the middle of the road then?" Why the hell is he prying so much? Why did he care?
"Because I felt like it was ok to do so. We've kissed before Mr Mendes, he's my best friend so he gave me my first kiss" I laughed a little and he ran his hands through his hair and I stood up to relocate on his desk swinging my legs backwards and forwards, but making sure I didn't kick the desk and break something.
"Why? You're best friends he's not your boyfriend. Excuse me if I'm wrong but best friends shouldn't go round kissing each other like that" he scoffed. I couldn't explain how confused I was by this conversation. I didn't know why he wanted to know.
"Why are you prying so much?"
"I'm not!"  Shawn started to raise his voice.
"You are now why?!" I raised my voice back at him but nothing could prepare me for his reason. "Shawn?!"
"God Faye can't you see it?!"
"See what?!"
"I'm attracted to you!..." he blurted at me and my heart stopped beating all together. I shook my head and had to start laughing to make sense of the situation. " I know it's so wrong! It's so so wrong and so fast but from day one I've felt this connection to you. And after the weekend I can't stop thinking about you. About things I could of said to you, and what I could of done" he told me walking closer to me. I gripped the edge of the desk for support trying to focus on the floor to save myself from passing out.

"Say something Faye please" Shawn panicked but I shook my head, "I know its wrong and its weird and you're probably disgusted by me but I cannot help it. I'm attracted to who you are Faye, and you're a beautiful girl"
"Shawn, I don't know what to say. I mean this is crazy, this is wrong you're my teacher" I breathed and he lifted my chin with his fingers. I looked into his eyes and it were as if I couldn't move. My whole body shivered as he touched me. This was all so fast, so sudden, but a part of me didn't want to leave the room. And that part didn't want me to miss up on the opportunity to have him as mine. My twenty year old teacher as my boyfriend. A risk, but a good risk. I just had to wait and see what he wanted.
"So what do you want?" I whispered to him and he shook his head.
"Something that I shouldn't want" I raised my eyebrow at him being cryptic.
"What do you want?"
"You" I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what to do.
"You've known me a week" I said standing up.
"That's all it takes sometimes. All I'm asking for is to spend time with you. Get to know you." She smiled and that smile melted my insides and I knew I wanted that. But neither of us should want that.
"I'll say I'm helping you with work. Or helping with personal issues. People won't ask if it's a personal issue" he said and it made sense. "I'm your teacher. But I'm only five years older if that helps with anything"
I shrugged and picked up my bag just as someone walked in and I panicked. "So when shall we start my tutoring for that top grade sir?" I smiled at Shawn and he looked confused. "You know you said about my tutoring to get me to a achieve the highest grade?" I harsh ended my tone and widened my eyes as I said tutoring and he nodded.
"Send me an email Miss Dawson and I will get back to you" Shawn started to write down something on a folded piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked over and saw Miss Lennon smiling. I unfolded the paper. '********* -Shawn x' his number. Not his email.
"Thank you sir. I will do that right away.' I smiled at the two teachers and left the room picking out my phone and typing in his number. Today has just been a mad turn of events and I tried to make sense of each one.

 Today has just been a mad turn of events and I tried to make sense of each one

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now