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Faye Dawson
"You wanna hang out tonight and I really need to talk to you about something?" I spoke into the phone wanting to talk to him about what happened with Mr Mendes.
"Sorry Dawson I can't. I'm really busy with exam work and family" Tom spoke back to me and sighed. That was odd. He was never too busy to hang out for a little while.
"You're never too busy for me" I laughed through the phone but got no laughter back.
"I'm really sorry Faye but I can't I'm really jam packed tonight" he said and I nodded even though he couldn't see me. A well of sadness built up inside me and I smiled sadly.
"Nah its ok. I'll message you ok?" I told him.
"Yep of course. I'll text you Dawson." He said. "Love you Dawson"
"Love you too Tom" I said before hanging up the phone. Great, now what am I supposed to do for the rest of the evening on my own. Mum had her night shift at the hospital tonight so I had to do it all for myself. I'll get a take out that'll be easiest.
I got my coat on and opened my door. "What the-" I stood hiding behind the door as I watched them. How dare he. How dare they?! I watched Thomas help Cara into his car like the gentleman he is and I came out from hiding behind my door. I walked down the steps of my house and stood at the end of the porch as they came out of the driveway, Thomas on my side. I saw him look over and his face was a picture of horror. He rolled down the window and I waved before sticking up my middle finger at them both.
"Fuck you both!" I yelled smiling sarcastically through the welling tears in my eyes. I tried to swallow the ever growing lump in my throat and ignore my shaking hands but I couldn't. I was furious, I felt betrayed, lied to.
"Dawson! I can explain!" He yelled and I bent down to window level.
"You're a fucking liar Thomas. I forgave you once, don't expect me to be so forgiving this time" I cried walking the opposite way down the road. They drove off and it was as if he was driving away taking a piece of my heart with him.

I tried to walk down into town through the cascade of tears and I was managing physically, but mentally, I was doing the worst I could. I wiped away the tears and tried to compose myself before entering the Indian takeaway shop.
"Great just great" I muttered under my breath as I saw who was in there.
"Faye. Didn't expect to see you here"
"What? You need to know where I am every second of my life?" I spat at him and walked over to the man who took my order.
"Miss Dawson what's the matter?"
"Leave me alone Shawn" I said and the tears started to prick in my eyes again.

Both our orders were ready at the same time and I took in his gym wear. I guess he walked here too. "I'm walking you home Miss Dawson whether you like it or not" he persisted and walked by my side. There was a tension between us that I couldn't quite grasp.
"Are you going to be ok?" Shawn asked and I shrugged. He was my teacher so I really shouldn't do this. It was a bold move. Don't do it.
"Do you want to stay and see for yourself?" I joked and he shrugged.
"Sure. I'm lonely as well tonight" he said and I raised an eyebrow.
"I was joking."
"I wasn't" he said and I had to bite my lip to stop the smile from poking through. He boldly walked up the steps of my house and waited.
"You're my teacher. This is very wrong" I said opening the door to my home and Shawn just stepped in.
"I just want to make sure you're ok" Shawn said and I led him to my kitchen downstairs.
"All I'll say is that I hate the male population"I said putting my take away on the table. Shawn set his down and I put out plates and got him water.
"We're not all dicks Faye"
"I find this very weird. Firstly the fact that you're in my house, secondly the fact you're using non teacherly language" I smiled at him and he shrugged.
"I'm not a teacher at the weekends. I'm just Shawn Mendes. Not teacher Mr Mendes"
"Well non teacher Mendes welcome to the Dawson household." I smiled and laughed at him.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"
"Thomas lied to me. Said he was busy with family and work that he couldn't see me. But then I walk out of my house to see him and Cara getting into his car" I said getting more and more angry at the thought of it. "I forgave him just two days ago and now he's gone and fucked it all again" I cleared everything away off the table and offered Shawn to come upstairs to the lounge with me.
"Hey Shawnie" I said.
"Er yeah?"
"No not you my kitten" I said picking up Shawn in my arms and sat on the sofa infront of the TV next to Shawn.
"Wanna hold her?" I asked holding her out to Shawn and he took her in his large hands.
"Oh my god it's the ugliest little thing" Shawn laughed at my baby so I pulled her back into my lap.
"She probably thinks you're ugly as well." I sneered at Shawn who rolled his eyes.
"This Thomas really doesn't sound like a good person Faye. Best friends or not" Shawn said the brutal truth and it sent me into tears again. I wanted him to hug me, I wanted Shawn to just take me in his arms and tell me it was going to be ok but I knew it wasn't appropriate, yet part of me didn't care.
"He's been my best friend for ten years. Never have we lied to each other or fought bad. And now this. He's just been a fucking idiot recently" I cried.
"I just wanna give you a hug right now" Shawn said ruffling his own hair.
"I'm not going to stop you right now teacher or not" I cried more and Shawn opened his arms standing up. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his body crying into his shirt.
"It's ok" it's not ok. I'm stood here hugging my very attractive English teacher whilst confessing everything to him. I found Shawn attractive, very attractive and the way I've been with him these past few days just attracts me more to him. He'd be such a good boyfriend. God no I can't think that about my teacher, I shouldn't, but I couldn't help it. He was such a lovely man. And only a couple of years older, maybe no more than five or six. Why is this going through my head?
"I find it odd that you're only a couple of years older yet you're my teacher" I confessed to him still holding onto him.
"I know. It makes this harder" he whispered and I pulled away from him.
"Makes what harder?" I asked looking up at him. Our eyes met and it was as if a force was holding my eyes to his. I couldn't look away. I didn't want to. "I should leave" Shawn said and I nodded.

I walked Shawn to the door and sighed as I opened it. I waved him off out the door but when he got to the end of the set of stairs out of my house he stopped and turned back round.
"Would it be too inappropriate to get your number?" He smiled and I thought.
"Probably." I smiled. "I think I'll make you wait for that one"
"So is that indicating you want more weekends like this?"
"Go home Shawn" I laughed and bit my lip. He ran down the road after giving me a beautiful smile. I locked the door and ran straight up to my room and squealed.
"Oh God this is so wrong" I laughed at myself. I was flirting with my teacher and I think he was flirting back, but I didn't want it to stop. It was all so quick but I got the feeling that I wanted to be with him. The only problem was, no matter how caring and how attractive I found him, he was my teacher.

 The only problem was, no matter how caring and how attractive I found him, he was my teacher

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now