Chapter 21

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I heard the sounds of the drums beating. Grounders cheers and chants echoed the field. The day arrived where the sky princess and the queen of the grounders will perform the blood contract. I look at myself in the mirror. A lot has changed in a short span of time. How ironic our fate was, now I'm wearing a grounder's clothing though I didn't mind cause I love their fashion sense. Gone all those heavy gowns and skirts. I'm wearing a long brown colored gown with slits at front that exposes my legs everytime I walk. I just let my hair down and put on some light make-up. Since this event is formal I have to look my best. This is the last time we will see our city. It's time to put the past behind and look forward for the future. The guard signalled me that it's time. I walked to the long wide hallways and came across Octavia. I smiled at her and said "Well you look hot girl!" As I look at her from head to foot. She's wearing a forest green gown with specs of brown on it. It fits her voluptuous body perfectly, the gown followed her figure until her knees then flows at the end with heart neckline. "Not as hot as you though" she answered. I grabbed her hand and we walked together. "So this is it.." said Octavia. "Yeah.." I answered.

We arrived at the field. The grounder councils are present surrounding the podium. Grounders from different ranks are also present to witness this event. I also spotted the group of bitches hurt our princess. The Tasha girl glanced at me and I gave her a sharp stare which I won by the way cause she immediately squirmed to that Costia girl. I saw Allison walking towards us and I can't help but giggled at the people. Every men and women around can't stop looking at her. Well who could resist such beauty. She's like an enchantress back at our world. That golden hair that shines with her every move, that icy blue eyes and cury body, who could resist that. She's wearing a dark blue gown heavily beaded on the ends making it like falling stars. Her gown is flowy which followed her every move. Which adds to her perfection. "Raven they want us to take part with the ceremony making it mixed with our culture and theirs." She said. "Well that won't be a problem I've been waiting for ages to play some instruments" I said feeling excited. Back at our kingdom ceremonies as important as this requires ladies from the royals/ nobles to perform as a symbol of unity. Octavia joined me in setting up the instruments, luckily we have time to do it and they have gadgets that could support us from the lack of man power. The sky princess usually sings this ballad and she's great at it. Allison also helped in the instruments to come up with the melody."Clark will sing the song while we gave her the music.okay? Just like old times." Allison said. And we smiled to each other.

The ceremony starts as the drums of the grounders continued to beat. Chanting was now more evident. It is like a song to the moon. They are waving the royal flag back and forth. Flashes of lights are everywhere. Then the queen appeared riding her magnificent dragon. It smoothly landed on the ground. The queen jumped off of it with grace. She looks unearthly stunning in her red cape and black long gown showing her perfectly sculpted body. She's wearing a royal symbol at the center of her forehead and her long wavy brunette hair was beaded with diamonds. She walked through the trail with grace and power. Everyone bowed as she passes through. When she arrived at the center of the podium she look at the commander and nod. The commander signalled us to begin and the drums stopped beating. We waited for Clark to begin the intro. Then an angelic voice silenced the people. I glanced at the queen and her face written with amazement.

"I was born in a thunderstorm
I grew up overnight
I played alone
I played on my own
I survived..."

Then we started giving her beats. As she appeared fading in slowly while singing. Typical old Clark showing off her powers.

I wanted everything I never had
Like the love that comes with light
I wore envy and I hated that
But I survived
I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don't change
And nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies
And you're taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived....."

She slightly levitated not touching the ground while approaching the podium.

"I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive..."

Then she stopped midway and levitated higher towards the sky then made herself glow with blue fire...

"You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing..."

I can feel the anger, the agony and the despair as she sang the lyrics. We faded the music making her voice evident. Allison joined Clark as her second voice.

"And I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing
I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)"

She slowly landed on the ground and continued walking towards the podium where the stunned queen stood.

"I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive...."

When she arrived in front of the queen. She bowed and then it ends. The crowd was just too stunned to react. They are just gaping at us with wide jaw. Yup. We are not that techy but we're good at making music and performing and I giggled. I saw the way the commander look at Allison. It is almost the same as the Queen looking at Clark. Hmm. That's very interesting.

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