Chapter 53

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My handmaidens are now busy preparing me for the fiest. I stood in the small podium as i look at the full length mirror in front of me. I wore a black long body hugging gown that is comparable to dark starry sky cause every time i moved glittery silver beads will reflect the light. It touched on the floor and when i walk it could create trails. It is one shoulder sleaved accesorized with my family emblem. My hair was just curled into place draped with small diamonds like falling stars. My black diamond crown was carefully situated at the top of my head. Smokey black makeup was painted around my eyes making my green eyes pop. Soft knock was heard and i signalled my guards to open the double doors. Emily came in wearing a stunning dark blue gown fitted perfectly in her body exposing her cleavage and back. "you look hot.." she said teasingly. I rolled my eyes and raised my right hand making my handmaidens stop then immediately left the room leaving me and Emily alone. I stepped down and moved towards the big window facing the backyard of the palace. I saw heda flying around the castle and when he sense my presence he immediately flew towards my window. I caress his head as he lean back on my touch. "Is everything ready for tonight?" i asked Emily. "It's all set. Your wife is now waiting for you to open the feast. The sky people are already on their designated area assigned as well as the councils." Emily reported. "Then its time.." i said half-whispered then signalled heda to fly. I moved towards the double doors and sensed Emily following me behind. "no matter what happens i want this night to be a success.. This is our last chance.." i said to her. "I know.. Don't worry too much. Your loyal subjects are all behind you on this.." Emily replied. "I really hope so Em.." I saw Costia waiting for me at the end of the hallway before the entrance of the ballroom. She wore a gray gown that complemented my gown making us a dream couple in the eyes of my people but they didn't know how i despise seeing her and holding her hands even for a moment. I heavily sighed then offered my arm routinary without even looking at her. She accepted my arm then just on cue the guards opened the double doors then blinding lights invaded my sight. We moved down on the grand staircase, i looked straight towards my throne then as we reached at our seats i immediately let go of her hand then turned to my people. I gasp as my eyes immediately set upon those stunning blue eyes. The sky princess wearing a stunning royal blue body hugging gown. Her milky white skin complemented the dark gown she's wearing. Her white blonde hair was curled perfectly to the side and a diamond butterfly was placed at the left side of her head. She's indeed ethereal. I felt my heart beating fast just by looking at her. I didn't know how long i starred at her i was woken up in my trance as Emily cleared her throat. "good evening.. We are gathered here today not as two clans but as one. Not a grounder or a sky people but as one kingdom. Looking back one cannot believe this turned of events. Never would i thought that the sky people would be our great Allies... Now the war is long over It is now time to put the past behind us and face a new beginning a new life a new era.. "snaps of the cameras shine like stars before me." In this evening let us celebrate life and peace.. TO THE KINGDOM!!!" I raised my glass then everyone followed with smiled in their faces then responded" to the kingdom!! " my people clap their hands and cheered in happiness. I scanned my eyes around proud of what we have become then my eyes landed on that beauty who never fails to stop my world. And without even thinking i slowly raised my left hand signalling the sky princess to move up the podium she was shocked at first but later on smiled warmly then she slowly moved towards me meeting my hand and she held it softly. Cheers of my people roared as the sky princess stood by my side.  I slightly smiled at her memorizing her warmth and her beauty, imprinting it inside my core, i suddenly felt my eyes getting warm and teary then the smile of the princess turned to worry. I immediately looked away, i turned to titus and pick up the fire gun that could signal the release of fireworks from my men in the tower. The ceiling slowly opened as I pass down the gun to the sky princess "you can do the honors princess.." i said then smiled at her encouraging her to take it. The people seemed shock for a second at my actions but later on they cheered for the princess. Those blue eyes stared at me confuse and shock, she was hesitant to recieve it but later on soft hands slightly touched my fingertips as she held the gun to her hand. I moved back and we wait as she point the gun upwards "now make the night rain with lights..." i said half-whispered on her ear. She flinched not expecting my nearness. She slightly nod then pulled the triger. Then on cue hundreds of beautiful fireworks reigned the dark starry skies. The music played and people cheered. I couldn't take my eyes off the princess as she look at my people and her people before her she smiled warmly with teary eyes then she suddenly turned to me and said softly "thank you.." i just nod in response not knowing what to say. "sky princess can i have the fire gun back."Titus suddenly spoke which made me divert my gaze towards him." oh I'm sorry i completely forgot about this.. "she said as she hand him the gun." thank you.."he responded then bowed. I saw a glimpse of the raven haired girl waiting patiently for the sky princess as well as her people." you should go back now they are waiting for you"i said. She turned slightly to her table then back at me "yes ofcourse thank you again your highness.." then she bowed before moving away. I felt my jaw tense as I control myself not pulling her back towards me and locking her in my arms. I watched her walked away again. I turned towards my throne but was met an angry Costia sending daggers to the sky princess. I sat on my throne and said in whisper that i know only Costia could hear"whatever you're thinking forget it. Don't you dare ruin this night." She flinched due to my deadly tone and heard her sucked her breath." No, ofcourse not my Queen.. " she said in hush tone. I turned to Emily and just like an automatice response she knew already what my gaze meant then she slightly nod accepting my command and that is to always watch over her from a distance.. To always protect her till my last breath.

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