Part 3

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A pink haired guy was left in the restaurant. He had a late shift and no one even came. He sat down and rested his head on the table.

His stomach was empty because he skipped dinner. He decided to fry an egg for himself and eat with the leftover rice.

He really enjoyed cooking. He dreamed to be a famous chef but it never came true. He was only a chef in a restaurant which was not really known by people so there weren't many customers.

The restaurant owner couldn't pay him much because, well, only little customers came to eat. He needed a job so he could survive. He lived far from his parents and they had financial problems so he couldn't ask his parents to send him some money when he needed one. He was independent and responsible. He was sure he would be able to do it.

He was checking his phone when he saw a game advertisement. He was just about to scroll down when his eyes caught something.

JACKPOT!! Win the game, win     $500,000,000!

His eyes widen as he read it. He was so excited. He never played games before, except for Mario Kart. But this seemed interesting. Just a simple game and I can get money. He thought.

He downloaded the game and signed in with his phone number. He chose his character and typed in a fake name in his profile.

Then he got an unknown message.

Unknown number
Hello, Kim Seokjin. Thankyou for downloading this game.

Unknown number
Accomplish missions and play the game to earn the Jackpot.

Unknown number
Good luck (: -?;':&#