Part 4

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A middle-aged man walked out of the backstage. He went to the dressing room and sat down on one of the chair. Make-up artists started bringing their equipments and cleaned his make-up, removing his brown wig.

Once the make-ups were cleaned, he looked 20 years younger. He was actually still very young. They removed his coat and he went out, passing by a strict-looking guy who happened to be his manager. He tapped his shoulder and hand him an envelope. The red haired guy bowed and mouthed a thankyou and walked outside to wait for the bus.

He dropped himself on the seat as soon as he entered the bus. He sighed and ripped the envelope open only to see a few pieces of money. He threw the envelope inside his bag and closed his eyes to sleep for a while.

But when he woke up around 30 minutes later, he was still stuck in the traffic. He groaned and fished out his phone from his pocket.

He checked Google Map and suddenly he got a game advertisement message.

JACKPOT!! Win the game, win $500,000,000!

He smiled to himself as he thought about the prize and how he wouldn't have to deal with the theater anymore. He downloaded the game, signed in and created a character. Then he got a message.

Unknown number
Hello, Jung Hoseok. Thankyou for downloading this game.

Unknown number
Accomplish missions and play the game to earn the Jackpot.

Unknown number
Good luck (: ,-?')*&?