Part 17

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Jung Hoseok was worried that they might not win if they chose the wrong character. He was sure that this blue character aside of him was the killer.

The voting started and he waited for 20 minutes. When the result appear, his eyes widen. It was just a slight difference.

He got one vote and the blue koala got 2 votes.

He sighed, relieved.


He had to send another message. He rolled his eyes and began typing.

Hello Kim Namjoon, unfortunately the others discovered you. Don't worry, you still can win in the next rounds! Good luck! The next game will start tomorrow at 8PM.

A broadcast.

You almost made it! But unfortunately you got killed before the vote. Don't worry, you can win the next rounds. The next game will start tomorrow at 8PM.

Send to:
✔Kim Seokjin
Park Jimin
✔Kim Taehyung

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And another broadcast.

Congratulations! You won the second round. The next game will start tomorrow at 8PM.

Send to :
Jeon Jungkook
Jung Hoseok
Min Yoongi

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Who do you think is the main character for the third round?