Part 23

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"Cheers!!" The clinked their glasses of.. mineral water.

A/N : no alcohol for fetus (not anymore) jungkookie (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

The boys enjoyed their lunch. They talked and laughed together. Sometimes changing the subject to the game they were playing.

"Hey, even if i win, lets share the money." Namjoon said.

"I agree with that." Jimin stuffed his mouth with lettuce rolls.

"Yeah, it's only a game." Tae added.

"Even if the money is divided, each of us will still get so much money." Yoongi said stealing lettuce rolls from Jimin's plate.

"You are rich. I really hope you didn't win because all of us here need money except you." Jungkook pouted.

"Hey Jimin, have you call the company again?" Jin asked.

"No. They told me to wait for an email but i never got one." Jimin looked down.

"Don't worry. I haven't even got any job. You are a good dancer. One day you will be able to perform and then get hired!" He patted Jimin's back. He just nodded.

"How's theater?" Jin asked to Hoseok and Tae.

"The salary is so low!" Taehyung complained.

"My acting is quite good but he never appreciates it!" Hoseok groaned. "What about you, Hyung? Why don't you try to apply for a job in a big restaurant?"

"There aren't any big restaurants around here. Means that I need to move out so I can work in the famous restaurant. There are only fast food and small restaurants here."

"Nooo Hyung don't move out." Tae whined.

"Haha, I'm staying here. How's your youtube channel and instagram Jungkook?"

"There are only little viewers." He sighed. "I need you to take some pictures again, Hyung." He grinned.

Jin rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"By the way, I'm dropping my new album next two weeks." Yoongi said excitedly.

Hoseok groaned. "Why is it so easy for him? He just need to spend time writing lyrics and he got like a truck of money."

"It's career as a rapper plus songwriter." Yoongi shrugged. "I found my passion and I go with it."

The others nodded in agreement.

"But what's my passion?" Jungkook scratched his head.

"You still need to find yours, Jungkookie." Jimin said.

"My passion is cooking but I don't earn money as much as you."

"The problem is not in you, Hyung. You need to find a five-star restaurant and work there." Yoongi suggested.

"Maybe you're right. Means that sooner or later I'm gonna move out."

"Yeah go Hyung. Don't steal my food anymore." Jungkook waved his hands as if he was shooing Jin away.

"Yah you evil maknae!"

"Haha just kidding, Hyung."

"I think I can rap a little, Hyung. I also want to make music." Namjoon said.

"Okay, I'll try to tell my producer about this."

"Yay! We can make music together, Hyung." Namjoon clapped like a kid who just got a teddy bear, almost knocking out Yoongi's drink.

"Hey, do you know that movie which was in the cinema few weeks ago?" Tae asked.

"Yeah, I heard that was good. Sadly I didn't get to watch it." Jimin said.

"You wanna watch it? I have it at home." Hoseok said.

"I want too! We better head to Hoseok's house right now." Jin told the others.

"Do you guys bring your laptops? We're gonna play tonight, right?"