Part 20

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Jeon Jungkook punched a fist into the air as he was picked as the main character.

He managed to trick the yellow puppy which thought that they were 'friends' since the last round. Unfortunately for him, the pink bunny whom he trusted, which was Jungkook's character, was the killer.

What irritated him was that the yellow puppy kept following him as if it was so desperate to find a safe place to hide. He had to shoo him away by telling that it wasn't safe or maybe mentioning some random places which were safe so he would go away and Jungkook could kill the others.

He killed a brown character and ran away. But he saw that the yellow character went out of its hiding place and it was looking for him again. How clingy, he thought.

His character ran fast and in the corridor, he saw two characters so he killed them in one go. Then he hid in a room beside the kitchen. He peeked outside and saw that the yellow character was nowhere to be seen. But then he saw a blue koala peeking into a room across the kitchen so he ran to kill it.

Not to arouse suspicion, he immediately notified the yellow character and lied that he saw the killer and it was blue. Because he knew that there were two blue characters. He killed the blue koala so he could use the blue horse to trick the yellow puppy.

He hurried to the room beside the dining room after he told the yellow character to meet him there.

When he arrived there, he clicked his tongue as he saw the horse character. At the same time, the yellow character arrived at the door.

He got a notification.

Bunny run! Its the killer.

He got an idea.

He followed the yellow character which ran outside the room but he went back to the room where the blue horse was as he saw the yellow character had entered the room across the dining room.

He killed the horse.

He looked at the time. 11.48 PM.

He grinned like a Cheshire cat as he clicked the weapon button and pressed the arrow. His character walked slowly to the room across the dining room where the yellow character hid.