Part 29

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Namjoon froze.

Half of his body was covered in blood stains. And worse, Jungkook sat on his left before he was killed and the half of Namjoon's body which was splattered with blood was his left side.

Hoseok and Taehyung backed off.

Namjoon looked up to stare at them.

But they were puzzled as tears started to form in the purple haired boy's eyes.

"Jungkook.. was- killed- right next to- me." Namjoon stuttered as he wiped his tears with his 'clean' right hand.

They couldn't believe the sight in front of them.

Namjoon could be the killer.. right?

They decided to just continue the game.

But they were not brave enough to sit next to Namjoon so Hoseok and Taehyung sat next to each other across Namjoon, forming a triangle.

They looked up to check Namjoon every few seconds, just to make sure that he wasn't going to pull out a machete from his back or sprint to the kitchen to grab knives and attach them to the back of his hands like wolverine.

They shivered as they thought about those posibilities.

Namjoon seemed normal. Well, normal only if half of his body was not covered in blood splatters.

Taehyung texted Hoseok from the private chatroom.

Hyung i think namjoon hyung killed jungkook

Maybe. But he cried just now

Maybe that was only an act to cover it

Yeah right

Taehyung didn't know what to say anymore so he just read Hoseok's last message. And he got another notification.

Tae im scared. What if im next?

Me too. Lets just hope no one died after this

I dont know what to do.. should i just hide until midnight?

I dont know hyung, just do what you think is right

Then he closed the chatroom.

He walked in the corridor, peeking into every room just in case the killer was waiting for him to pass by.

When he peeked into a room, he saw a figure hiding in the corner. It had to be Hoseok's character who was hiding, he mentioned it before. He walked closer and realized that it was not Hoseok..

but Namjoon.

He tried to turn back and run but a message appeared.

Unknown number
Congrats! You met other character. Would you like to add the account to a private chat?

Unknown number
Reply : YES or NO

Kim Taehyung

Unknown number
You are connected with Player 1
You will be disconnected immediately when the round is over or if one of you died.

Taehyung texted him.

Hyung you are the killer right?

What do you think

Taehyung froze. This didn't sound like Namjoon trying to defend himself but this was more like giving clues to Taehyung that he was the main character.

But Namjoon texted again.

Why would i kill our friends

Taehyung looked up to see Namjoon still typing something in his laptop. Still, poker face.

He got another notification.

Im not the main character

Somehow, the statement scared the cookies out of Taehyung.

The lights flickered and they knew what was going to happen. They just hoped that they were not next.

Except the main character..

Well, main character always survives, right?

So he didn't need to worry for getting killed next.

Everything turned completely black.

They remained silent. The only thing they could hear was the clock ticking.

They sighed in relief as the lights turned back on after few minutes.

But someone was missing.

Guess who's the killer :)

Hmm.. is it Hoseok? Is it Namjoon? Or Tae?

I will give you two clues..

1st Clue
Reread their profiles in part 1-7

2nd Clue
The main character didn't always show/tell the truth