Part 32

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Namjoon gave up, he stumbled as Hoseok dragged him by his jacket upstairs. Hoseok pushed a door open and the room was all white and beautiful until he smelled blood and saw that his friends had been placed inside separated glass boxes.

Tears streamed down his face. He thought at least Taehyung would stay alive and help him to get out of here.

"Have a seat." Hoseok pushed a chair harshly from behind which hit the back of Namjoon's knee, causing his knees to bend and he fell back, hitting his butt on the hard chair.

He winced in pain as he shifted his gaze somewhere, not wanting to see his dead friends inside the glass box.

"Look at how beautiful they are." Hoseok tied Namjoon's legs.

Namjoon didn't dare to look up. The tape used to connect Yoongi's head and Jungkook's arms really made them looked like fixed broken dolls.

"Hey, say something."

"Oh yeah, why am I so dumb?" Hoseok ripped off the black tape from Namjoon's mouth.

"Please stop." Namjoon's voice cracked.

"Stop? Why? This is the last." Hoseok frowned. "I mean, they're all done, you are the last."

Namjoon's eyes widen.

"No, please stop." He begged. "Why did you do this?"

"Simple. I envy them and you guys treated me like shit." Hoseok's expression darkened.

"And you.." he pointed his index finger in front of Namjoon's face. "You were the one who tell your father not to sign me up in the world class competition."

"A-are you that George Gregory guy?" Namjoon was shocked because Hoseok's make up made him so different. "I don't know it was you."

"I don't really mind that but.." Hoseok shrugged. "When your father asked for your opinion, you chose the actors who you knew well, saying that they will win, they are talented, just need more practice and bla bla bla when their skills can't even compare to mine!"

Hoseok yelled the last part, making Namjoon jumped a little.

"Taehyung was not wearing his make up that time so you recognized him and chose him."

Hoseok scoffed.

"But 'unfortunately' he didn't win." Hoseok faked his sad expression. "But he still got money for signing up!" He roared.

"He didn't deserve it. They just wanted to give a little reward for those who gave so much effort but didn't reach top 3. And even if I didn't win, I would still get money!"

Namjoon felt guilty.

He admitted that that George Gregory actor was very talented, but he really wanted to help his friends. There were only few slots and he convinced his father to pick Taehyung and some of his friends. That actor is talented, I'm sure he will get another opportunity soon, he thought.

"Hmm.. should I add your father and your lucky friends to my gallery too?"

"No, no. Please don't."

"He was not the one who choose the participants, it was you. He shouldn't have trusted his son. But he didn't appreciate my hard work either."

"I'll think of that later." Hoseok snapped his fingers. "For now, I will introduce these one by one."

He walked to Jin's glass box.

"As you can see, this is your friend, Jin." He opened the glass door and the embalming fluid smell filled the entire room, making Namjoon almost threw up.

"Don't worry this is not harmful."

"NOT HARMFUL??" Namjoon yelled. "This smells horrible! Feels like my nose will never be able to smell anything ever again." He tried to move his hands to cover his poor nose but sadly they were still tied behind him.

"How can you get used to this kind of smell??"

"Well, I'm experienced." Hoseok walked towards the big closet. "You wanna see my other collections?"

"No no no no no." Namjoon shook his head really fast, refusing to see another preserved humans like his dead friends.

Hoseok smirked. "Okay. So I will continue." He walked back to Jin's glass box which was opened.

"His body is still whole. I mean, I didn't cut any of his body parts so I hung him like this." Hoseok excitedly explained. "I use this collar and the hook." Hoseok lifted Jin for a while to show Namjoon the metal hook inside the glass box.

"Ouch. He's heavy." Hoseok hung Jin's collar back to the hook and locked the glass door after closing it.

"And the next one.. Jimin and your friend." He opened Jimin and Taehyung's glass box. "I did the same thing to them."

"But they were bleeding so it was an extra work for me to clean up the blood and wait for them to dry in order to hang them."

Namjoon didn't open his mouth as he yawned so Hoseok would think that he paid full attention. Namjoon actually hoped the explanation lasted longer so he could live longer. Well, maybe Hoseok planned to kill him after explaining the whole thing.

"For Jungkook, I need to attach his limbs which were cut off earlier." He pointed to Jungkook's shoulder. "His thighs have deep cuts so I taped them too."

He moved to the last glass box, Yoongi's.

"This mummy is unique. He was put in a shorter but wider glass box because he couldn't be hung." Hoseok giggled. "Imagine hanging him and his head snapped again."

Namjoon didn't find that funny at all.

Then he moved to the next glass box, an empty glass box.

"This is for you, Joonie."

Namjoon shook uncontrollably. You couldn't tell which one was sweat or tear anymore.

"No. Please don't! I'm sorry!!"

Namjoon pleaded as Hoseok looked at his knife collections in the drawer and picked the biggest one.

"No. No." Namjoon tried kicking the air with his tied legs and the chair fell backwards.

Hoseok laughed.

"Hmm.. I don't think I should.." Hoseok thought for a while before putting back the big knife and closed his drawer.

Namjoon was about to sigh in relief but Hoseok opened another drawer and took a rope.

"Making you bleed to death will just ruin my clean floor." He pulled Namjoon to stand up and moved the chair to the side of the room which had lower ceiling.

He forcefully dragged Namjoon but he could just hop, trying hard not to fall.

Hoseok lifted Namjoon up to the chair and took a small ladder. He tied a knot around Namjoon's neck and tied the other end to the round hook in the ceiling.

Namjoon pleaded non-stop. He went down and looked at Namjoon from below.


He kicked the chair.