Part 18

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7.45 PM
Park Jimin opened the game to check his profile. He smiled as he saw his choice of character. The cute puppy with yellow hoodie appeared in the screen.

He remembered other characters from the votings. A brown cookie, which was the killer in the first round, a blue koala, which was the killer in the second round, an alpaca, a horse, heart-shaped creature, and the pink bunny he chatted with last round.

Unfortunately, he got killed so they were disconnected. He wanted to meet the pink bunny again and made friends.

It was 8 PM. The game started.

He clicked the arrow and he roamed around the house to find the pink bunny.


Diamond? He turned again to the dining room. He finally spotted the diamond. His character moved forwards and grabbed the diamond.

Congratulations! You can exchange the diamond with $10000 in the store after the game ends.

He punched a fist into the air. $10000 was enough for him if he couldn't win the grand prize.

Suddenly, the pink bunny popped up in front of him.

He got a message.

Unknown number
Congrats! You met one character. Would you like to add the account to a private chat?

Unknown number
Reply : YES or NO

Park Jimin

Unknown number
You are connected with Player 1
You will be disconnected immediately when the round is over or if one of you died.

His eye smile appeared.

Hello pink bunny!!


Lets work together, lets hide somewhere.

With that, the pink bunny walked out of the dining room. He followed him and they ended up hiding in the bathroom.

Suddenly he got a notification from the private chatroom.

Stay here. Im gonna check outside.


He replied.

He stayed there for a while but he got bored and he peeked outside. He couldn't find the pink bunny so he walked to the living room.

In the corridor, he saw a shadow ran to the turn and as he entered the living room, he saw a brown character lying on the floor, blinking few times and fading away.

He was surprised. That shadow was certainly the killer. He went out and followed the direction where the shadow had gone.

On the way, he saw another blinking character which were the alpaca and the heart-shaped creature. He saw the shadow running into a room and he stopped for a while.

He shouldn't follow the killer. He didn't want to get killed. He immediately hid in the kitchen.

He suddenly got a notification from the chatroom.

I met the killer. It was blue, again. Be careful :)


The voting would start in 20 minutes so he needed to wait in the kitchen.

Another notification.

Come to the bedroom beside dining room. Its safe here.

He exited the kitchen and walked to the said bedroom. On the way, he saw a blue koala fading away. He couldn't be wrong. It had to be the blue horse.