Part 26

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"So you're the main character?"

"I was just reading it, pabo." Namjoon flicked Jimin's forehead. The younger placed his hands over his bruised forehead.

"So.. what should we do?" Taehyung asked.

"We need to continue playing." Jungkook said.

"But Yoongi Hyung in there is so scary." Taehyung shivered, looking at Yoongi's lifeless body with blood still oozing out from his open wound creating a bigger pool of crimson liquid.

"Let's just cover him." Hoseok took his blanket and covered Yoongi. They sniffed and blinked away tears, trying to forget what had happened and focus on one thing. Surviving.

"We need to continue so we won't end up like him."

They formed a smaller circle and they placed their laptop on their laps again as they continued playing.

Jimin's character hid behind the fridge in the kitchen. He stayed there for a while then went to the dining room. There, he met Jin's character.

Jin's saw his too and they walked to each other so that they would be connected.

Two 'ding's came from Jimin and Jin's phone. They received the invitation and started chatting. All of them decided not to talk directly because who knows the main character was one of them, listening to their conversation.

Hyung im scared..

Dont worry jimin-ah we will survive

What should we do? Will the game end at midnight?

Suddenly everyone got a message in their phone.

This game won't ever end unless you voted for the right killer. If someone didn't vote, the game will go on and on until all of you die :)

Jimin and Jin looked at each other in fear. Jimin texted Jin again from the private chatroom.

Hyung how can he know our conversation??

I dont know

Jimin had an idea. If the game and all the chatrooms were hacked by the killer, he would read and know everything. So he texted Jin from his phone.

Hyung this is safer. Let's just chat here

Okk you're smart. Let's focus to the game first, the killer will find us if we stay in the same position

Suddenly the lights flickered again.

"Oh shit.." Hoseok cursed under his breath.

"Focus on your game! Try to hide anywhere safe!" Namjoon ordered.

Few flickers and everything turned black. Strangely, their screens also turned black everytime the lights were off.

"I don't want to die." Jimin whimpered.

"Shit shut shot shit fuc-"

"Stop cursing." Jin complained. There was a long silence. The lights hadn't turned on yet. Suddenly Namjoon's voice was heard.

"Let's hold hands and make sure the person next to you is still there."

Namjoon held Jungkook and Hoseok's hand tightly. Hoseok continued by interwining Taehyung's hand who was beside him while Jungkook wrapped Jimin's small hand in his big one.

Jimin and Taehyung reached out their hands to grab Jin's hands. He was the last since he was sitting across from Namjoon.

But Taehyung and Jimin's hands met as they didn't feel any presence between them.