Part 5

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The male sighed as he exited the door, receiving a thin envelope which he knew wouldn't even be more than four pieces.

He thought he was doing a great job. The manager kept praising him but apparently his salary was still the same.

He worked in the theater with his friend, Jung Hoseok. He sometimes would whine to Hoseok about their work through chat or just talk about something, like what he wanted to do right now.

He unlocked his phone and searched through the contact list. Surprisingly, he got a message from an unknown number along with a picture.

He opened and read it.

JACKPOT!! Win the game, win $500,000,000!

His eyes widen as his mind processed the zeros behind the first number.

He clicked it and downloaded the game, signed in, and set a character along with a fake name.

He was so excited, but he didn't know how to play it yet.

The unknown number then sent another message.

Unknown number
Hello, Kim Taehyung. Thankyou for downloading this game.

Unknown number
Accomplish missions and play the game to earn the Jackpot.

Unknown number
Good luck (: !#,?()