Part 28

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Namjoon's statement made everyone went silent.

"W-what do you mean..?" Hoseok asked carefully.

"Unless the killer is one of us." He emphasized the word 'killer' and 'us'.

"Don't joke around, Joon. We all knew that one of us maybe didn't want to admit that he got the message saying that he is the main character but.. who did want to kill in real life??"

Namjoon looked down. Unsure about what he just said. But everything is not impossible, right?

"I'm sure that I'm next." Namjoon said without hesitation.

"Hyung! Don't say that!" Taehyung whined.

"We all are going to die, Taehyung." Namjoon stopped. "Except for the killer." He eyed them one by one who flashed 'no it is not me' look.

Then he went back to his laptop. The others did the same.

Jungkook clicked the arrow and his character went to the center of the living room. He pressed the all the arrows in turn and his character spinned slowly in order for him to check his surroundings.

Suddenly Namjoon's character appeared in the entrance.

He stopped spinning and walked towards Namjoon's character. They were connected.

Kook why are you spinning in the living room XD

I was checking if the killer was coming dumbass

Haha i think thats a good idea

Yea i know im smart

Not smarter than me ;) bye kook

With that, Namjoon walked away from the entrance and Jungkook's character continued the spinning activity.

Suddenly the lights went off.

"Not again!" Jungkook groaned.

He tried to relax. Breathe in breathe out. Breathe in breathe out.

No one's gonna get killed this time, he thought.

Everyone was silent.

"Are you guys alive?" Hoseok asked but no one answered. "Yah don't trick me. I'm scared."

"I'm here." Taehyung said.


There was no reply.


No reply.

"Hyung.. do you smell something?"

"Burnt food? No I'm not cooking anything."

"No. This smells like.. metals." Taehyung described. "Like how your hands smell like after you hold your room key."

"Blood?" Hoseok sniffed.

"Blood!!! Blooddd!!" Taehyung shrieked.

"Someone's killed!!" Hoseok cried.

As the light turned on, their heads snapped to Namjoon and Jungkook's direction.

The sight made them want to throw up.

Jungkook's thighs were sliced horizontally until his pinkish flesh was visible. Seemed like it was sliced very deeply but couldn't fully be cut through because there was the bone. Blood had splattered everywhere.

His arms were no longer connected to his shoulders. One was on the floor and the other arm was lying on his stomach.

Taehyung puked a little in his mouth.

Hoseok quickly grabbed a pillow to cover his face and cry to it.

Suddenly they remembered about Namjoon who hadn't made a sound from before.

Hoseok slowly lowered his pillow and Taehyung opened his eyes.

Their eyes widen.

Namjoon was covered in blood as well.