Part 19

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Kim Namjoon saw two characters fading away as he hid behind the TV. He was afraid that the killer might see him so he could only see its shadow.

He went out of his hiding place as the killer ran to the opposite direction. But it already disappeared. He also saw a yellow character following the killer's shadow. He wanted to get near the yellow puppy so they could communicate but it suddenly disappeared to the kitchen. He decided to peek into the room across the kitchen. He saw nothing but as he turned, he was killed.

His screen turned into a big map. The red dot was still in front of the door, means that it hadn't moved after it killed his character. A black dot which he assumed was the yellow character was still in the kitchen.

After few seconds, the red dot moved to another direction. And at the same time, the black dot went out of the kitchen and followed to where the red dot went.

They stopped in the bedroom beside the dining room. There was another black dot there. He didn't know who it was. He could only differentiate the killer and the black dot which was the yellow character.

The black dot which was the yellow character and the red dot exited the room. The black dot entered the room across the dining room but the red dot didn't follow it. Instead, it went back to the room beside the dining room and the other black dot disappeared.

His eyes widen. This killer was a really skilled one.

The red dot then went to the room across the dining room and killed the yellow character.