Part 14

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Kim Seokjin was happy. He hid in a bedroom beside a big closet and the killer didn't find him. He also got to tell the others how the killer looked like in the last round and they succeeded.

At 8PM, he got a message saying that again, he was not the main character. So he opened the game and hid somewhere far so he could chat for a while.

He opened the chat room and it was still empty. He texted 'hi' and waited for response. But it seemed like the other characters were busy hiding so he closed it and clicked the arrow to move his character towards the dining room and he saw another character which was blue.

It ran towards the table and picked up a knife which he didn't see before. He turned back and ran to any directions until he was stuck in a dead end. He moved his character to enter the door that was on his right and hid behind the door.

He quickly texted the others.

It was blue. Rhe killwr is bkue.

Suddenly, the blue creature appeared in front of him, holding a knife. His screen turned grey, his character was dead.