Part 15

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Jeon Jungkook was hiding his character in the kitchen. A diamond appeared earlier in the kitchen and he took it, also deciding to hide there for a while.

He heard footsteps running past the kitchen entrance. Luckily, it didn't enter the kitchen.

He opened the chatroom and texted.

I think the killer just ran past my hiding place.

He received two replies.

Haha. I think it was just me. I panicked when i saw the killer in one of the bedroom.

I think i know where you are. Wait up. Lets work together.

Jungkook hesitated for a while. Well, this wouldn't be the killer, right? Because the killer was not in the chatroom.

Then he heard small footsteps.

Come out. Im here.

He peeked a little and saw a yellow character. Phew. One of the account in the chatroom said that the killer was blue.

As soon as they faced each other, he got a message in his phone.

Unknown number
Congrats! You met other character. Would you like to add the account to a private chat?

Unknown number
Reply : YES or NO

Jeon Jungkook

Unknown number
You are connected with Player 1
You will be disconnected immediately when the round is over or if one of you died.

He saw another small chatroom appeared. He opened it and texted 'hi'. The other replied.

Hi. Are u really the pink bunny?

Yes. And u are the yellow puppy, right?

Yeah. Come on, lets go somewhere so we won't get caught.

He saw the character turned and walked away. He followed it. They reached a bathroom and they hid there. He texted again.

Someone said the killer was blue.

Yeah. We need to be careful.

Dont worry. It's just few more minutes to midnight.

Suddenly he heard footsteps and a blue character appeared. They were face to face right now.

But he got a message.

Unknown number
Congrats! You met other character. Would you like to add the account to a private chat?

Unknown number
Reply : YES or NO

Jeon Jungkook

Unknown number
You are connected with Player 2
You will be disconnected immediately when the round is over or if one of you died.

He texted the new player.

Are you the blue killer??!!

Im not. Im blue but im not the killer.

I dont think i can trust you.

With that, Jungkook clicked the arrow to escape from the door.

When he was running in the corridor, he suddenly got a notification.

You are disconnected from Player 1