Part 11

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Five.. Four.. Three.. Two.. One..

Kim Taehyung excitedly counted down the remaining seconds to 8.00PM. He was really excited for the game. He really wanted to find the killer and of course, get the money.

His point of view was as if it was the character's point of view. He only could see what was in front of him but not behind.

His heart-shaped character ran in circles in the living room excitedly. He roamed the whole house, looking at every detail. He went back to the living room because there was a notification about a diamond which could be traded with an amount of money that appeared in the living room.

Suddenly, his character bumped into another character which looked like an alpaca that ran crazily as he turned the corner. He passed it and went to the living room.

When he arrived, he didn't see any diamonds so he assumed another character faster than him got the diamond already. He looked around and he heard small footsteps from behind then suddenly his screen turned grey saying 'DIED'.

He saw his character fell forwards, blinked few times and faded away.

He groaned but he focused his eyes back to the screen as a big map appeared. It showed every detail of the house including the rooms and what was in it. He saw tiny black dots indicating the other players who were still alive and a red dot which represented the killer. Their profile name wasn't displayed in the game nor in the menu page. He could only see the characters which most of them looked like animals.

He saw as the red dot moved near a black dot and the black dot disappeared, means that it was killed already.

He yawned and went to sleep since there was nothing he could do except for watching the screen, seeing the red dot killing the black dots. He couldn't even join voting.