I acted like an asshole....

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Rocky's POV

I walked to the end of the street and called a taxi, I told him an address close by Franks place and we got there in five minutes.

"One moment please I am going inside to get some cash, if I don't hurry up knock on that door." I pointed my hand on a random door and got out of the cab.

"Okay sure, uhhh but if you please I don't think it's allowed can't you call someone, because how would I trust you, sorry ma'am.." He said politely getting his head out of the window.

I smiled sweetly at him and came closer, he was about 25 or something like that so he looked cute with a so-called uniform and curly hair, you would give him a 'cute' level, but not more than that. I leaned my elbows on the window frame and looked him in his brown eyes. It's been a long time since I did this, but since I am working with Frank now I guess anything is expected from me.

"I know you could trust me," I said and smirked as I made my way to the back of the house.

The house was white and had small windows, but as I walked behind it, i could hear some shuffling, indecating that there was someone or something there. I kept my back on the wall as I peeked my head to invastegate the sound. The sound began to get closer as my heart beat quickend.

I could feel the sound getting closer and faster, I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves down. This is going to be easy. I hope. I also hope that taxi guy isn't watching this, the sound was backing away and then coming back, maybe there was two not one? Maybe. Gosh I really need to stop the mental talking and questioning kind of thing, but what can I say I am cool.

A loud thud stopped my thoughts of thinking how awesome I am, I could feel my plams sweating thinking of how to get out of this problem. I pushed myself back getting closer to the corner to peek and there it was my stupid fear of being cought, laying there what can I say I really am a chicken, there it was, and all that time, or seconds, I spent scared of a freakin...


Jai's POV.

This is not me... Not at all. People always thought that I was the player type because it's true thats how I act, but thats not me. I am not some douche that would have sex with anything female that had a pulse, no I actually kind of like someone.

And it's not a guy.

The reason I told Rocky that I was gay because I wanted her to stay away from me and not think of that way, but I totally screwed it up when I made that song for her. Its all because of that stupid deal I made with her brother. Man was I stupid but she does need to stay away from me and her brother. Even her brother is dangerous but she doesn't realize this yet.

I was with Rick in a drug deal, but I got out of it and managed to live till now, which is lucky for me because they are still after me and well I lost a lot of people to them, but I managed to keep Nick safe at least. I was stupid yes I admit but I am trying to fix my past and have a better future. Trying.

As for Rick, I don't know if he got out or not. He wouldn't tell me anything, I cant help him... It honestly was all because of me, I told him about the group and I think he is still in it, but he is a good friend because he still hasn't told them about me and well if they knew that he knows, we would probably be in his funeral.

Rocky is honestly the reason why I am trying to change, every time she looks at me or smiles at me makes my heart beat faster. I am turning into a girl God dam it. Even when she makes fun of me, I feel proud that she gave me attention.

Fvck this shit, I am a girl.

She is beuatiful and was the first girl to be my friend and I acted who I really was with her, which also goes with the things that aren't me, when I sit with a girl I check her out and grade her in my head then with the guys and also flirt with her and sometimes get her in bed. Usually they are glad to come with becuase really who could blame them? But there is this thing about Rocky that makes me want more, maybe the fact that she doesn't give a shit about the stuff around her or because she is mysterious always having things to keep in secret or both.

I acted like a player, I acted like an asshole and a perv with some, but that doesn't mean I am one. That wasn't me. Truth be told I am fragile and sweet and I guess romantic. Go throw an axe on me. But I don't want anyone to see me that way escpially her. I want to be a man in front of Rocky, for her, I needed to be strong for her. I want her to need me but she doesn't need me, but she won't open up for me. She doesn't need me but I want her to. I want to be the one to calm her and stand up for her.

Now I stood there watching her go. I let her go, I made her think these assumtions of me which were not true at all. I was too shocked to move or run after her. I can't do anything anymore. Just wait.

I was shaking with anger I clenched my fists and walked back to the stage looking for Rick. He is not getting away with this. He made me act like an asshole, that prick, I will show him. As I walked back in I noticed all eyes on me, this should be good enough to humiaite him, yeah sure I will regret it and yes now the drug lord will hear of me and I have to move again, but right now all I cared about is to bring that asshole down for what he is turning me into.

"Rick...." I breathed out making him turn around to look at me. His eyes widdened probably from shock that I look like a freakin bull right now.

"Look man, I had to, you can't just-" His voice was shaky but I stopped him from what he was going to say and pushed him to the wall roughly. I am going to explode on this bastard.

"Look her you asshole," I said menacingly, "I let you walk all over me, but when you get near her and act like a freakin boss I will tore you, I will damage you, I will freakin kill you with my bare hands, right now if I could, we don't make promises and walk away, now don't we? You fellow made me this way, I promised you and I will keep this promise no need to go mocking me about it, now look what you did, I can ruin your life quicker tha you could say asshole, you asshole. Now I suggest you go back home and wait for her, even tho if I were her I would never come back." I continued with a low voice, man I scared myself not to mention Rick who was shaking.

I turned around and walked out. I just hope she is okay.

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