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a shitty intro to a shitty story, my bad

"Come on," Luke exclaimed grabbing onto my hand, pulling me to the nearest exit. His grin not leaving his face as his much larger hand engulfed my very small one. The doors at the very far end of the hallway led to the courtyard, where free time for patients were spent. "Hurry up, Valentine!"

"Luke we're going to get in trouble if we're caught," I say trying to reason with one of the only people who have been kind to me in this hell hole for weeks. His grip doesn't loosen but gets a little tighter at the mention of trouble. I tense up as he stops dead in his tracks, right in front of the double doors. "Luke?"

He turns to me with sad eyes and his lips in a tight smile. He then says,

"Have you ever gotten in trouble here yet?"

Come to think of it, I haven't ever gotten in trouble. Not even at school or with my parents before coming here. The consequences can't be that much worse from home.

He sighs and takes my hand, bringing it close to his mouth. As if he was going to peck the smooth skin but soon deciding against it. He places the back of my hand on his cheek in a way to comfort the both of us. I instantly feel relaxed and don't understand why.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," he says and connects my eyes with his crystal blue irises. My heart picks up in speed at his sweet gesture and words.

"After all," he says as he removes my hand away from his face and grips it in his fingers again. "We don't belong here, so we have to stay together and protect each other."


A story in which Luke Hemmings and Valentine Summers are stuck in an asylum for being not fit for society. They come to realize that the only people who care what happens to them is each other, and each other alone.

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