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Epilogue | the end

The stroke of her pen darkly marked the pure untouched paper. Her grey eyes scanned over the computer screen as the random words started to make sense in her mind. Poetry. She absolutely loved it. Maybe even more than her husband.

Her huge blue spectacles were propped a top her nose, and her cheeks were flushed red. She was cold in her office full of shelves and underrated books as she quickly slipped her sweater on and continued to annotate her poem. One other thing she loved was to read, hints the thousands of stories in her office. Her dark hair up in a - very messy - messy bun; her soft lips were pressed in a grimace as she felt a kick in her stomach.

She looked down at her swollen belly that was holding life. She smiled slightly and dropped her pen, placing her palm flat against her bulging belly.

"Why do you always move when Mommy's working, hmm?"

This was her daily job. Annotating poems at home to find out what they meant and then to write a report on what she interpreted. It was her dream job and she was happy she got it. Lately though, her little bean wasn't happy about it. He always moved when the woman became too concentrated.

At least she thought it was a he, her husband didn't want them to know. He wanted it to be a surprise and the woman respected his wants, so she didn't ask and the doctors didn't tell; but the woman could tell it was a boy, she could feel it.

"Baby! I'm home!"

The woman smiled. Her small smile becoming ten times bigger as she heard her husband's voice.

"In here, Luke!"

Luke made his way to his wife's office as quick as possible, not quite running but not walking either. His black leather guitar case swinging at his side as he walked through the hallway to the house he shared. When he opened the door, he witnessed his wife in all her maximum glory and her baby bump.

"God, Valentine. Look at my beautiful wife," the woman's face begun to turn crimson from the compliment. She always got flustered when her husband of five years said such things.

"Stop. You say that everyday," Valentine whined as she took her glasses off and placed them to the side. Her scattered freckles brought out her grey orbs more when she didn't wear her second pair of eyes.

"That's because I'm repeating the truth," Luke's blonde hair was in a fucking hot, as Valentine would put it, man bun. The man set his guitar case down beside the mahogany desk, slipping his matching leather jacket off, and then pulled his wife up into an embrace. Valentine squeezed him back and pulled him down into a kiss. When both of them pulled away, they were left breathless. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Baby shower time, bitches!"

Laughs erupted around the room as a mocha colored girl jumped on a table, burgundy beanie on, and yelled out so all party guests were aware on what the get-together was for.

"Renèe get down!"

"Hey, faggot! How many times to I gots to tell ya. You call me Twenty Four, only Val can call me that."


Twenty Four jumped down with a humongous grin plastered against her lips. The white 'R' was standing out against her dark skin making it more noticeable with the average eyes. She then pulled the yeller into a steamy kiss.

"Godammit Calum, you're the only person who can yell at me like that," Twenty Four whispered in his ear as her hand dragged down his chest to his ripped abdomen, but not any further to be a tease. Calum took in a sharp breathe and pulled Twenty Four by the back of her neck into another kiss.

"For the rest of my life," Calum said pulling Twenty Four's left hand up to eye-level to inspect the beautiful diamond on her ring finger. The reflection of light the ring gave off was absolutely stunning. Another whisper into Calum's ear.

"Since it's a baby shower, let's go make one," Twenty Four's arms looped around Calum's neck as she placed her velvety lips on top of the man's. He frantically nodded while keeping the kiss intact, pulling away, and then grabbing the woman's hand and racing to the nearest bedroom; All while Twenty Four cackled at his eagerness.

Meanwhile, Valentine and Luke laughed there asses off at the pair. They remember when they first started having sex, a whole month went with touching and prodding the other every night, no end or stop. Hell, they still were like that.

Luke placed his hand on Valentine's stomach to hopefully feel something in there. By the gesture Valentine could tell he was going to be an amazing father and that was another reason why she loved him. There were a million more.

As the pair were gazing lovingly at the other, more and more guests started to arrive. First, Dr. Irwin and Dr. Clifford came with gifts and hands holding. They were the best couple in town. Then, the twins arrived and also had two identical gifts in hand. And Finally, when everyone had already showed, Luke's brothers, Jack and Ben, arrived with their own children and wives. Luke smiled at them, and they came over to the two chairs in the back of the room. Valentine went to stand and greet them but Luke shook his head. "There's no need to stand, they're coming over here."

Valentine shook her head with an annoyed glare.

"I can stand, I didn't break my legs," with that said Valentine stood and brought Jack into a hug first and then Ben. "It's good to see you both. It has been awhile."

"Yes it has," Jack said. They continued to catch up during the party. When Twenty Four and Calum finally came out of the room, they went straight to the food table. "Did you guys have fun?"

As Valentine said it, Twenty Four blushed and flipped her off. Val gurgled a laugh as she took a swig of her Sprite. She nodded her head and flipped the girl back.

Later that night, when everyone went home and the party concluded, Luke got Valentine ready for bed. He did that every night even though Val always protested, "Luke~."

"Yes, baby?"

"I can get ready myself."

"I know," but then he continues his actions. Valentine sighs and lets him redress her in comfortable pajamas. He would tell her to lift her arms up and she would looking into his eyes and slightly smiling, but then there'd always be movement in her belly when she got too lovey-dovey as well. She'd wince.

"What's wrong, babydoll?"

"The baby," she would then place her flat palm against her stomach and smile again. Luke's big grin would shine as he'd sit down next to his wife. "Here, you can feel."

She took his hand and placed it where her's once was. And then Luke would feel the baby's little feet moving around in his beautiful wife's tummy, and he loved it.

He always loved it. And he always loved her.

you have enjoyed We don't Belong Here • lrh. It's been a pleasure writing for you. Thank you for all your support ~ Val

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