Chapter nine | angelic voice

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Chapter nine | angelic voice

*the dream*

"Valentine," someone screamed. My eyes shot open and I saw her again. My mother. I jerked up with a twist. I was lying on the floor of a small kitchen, my mother standing over me. "Valentine! Please get up!"

My mother looked beautiful as always. Her dark hair was braided to the side, and her grey eyes looked panicked. What the hell happened?

"Oh thank god you're awake," she let a sigh of relief go and pulled me into a tight embrace. "We thought you head your head too hard."


"Honey," my mother said trailing off, looking over my shoulder. I can't remember anything! Why can't I remember anything?!

I grabbed the right side of my head with my hand to hopefully to stop the pounding. I closed my eyes to reduce the amount of sunlight as well. Why the hell is my head exploding?

"Hey, you alright," that voice sounds so familiar. that voice sounds so angelic. that voice was-



I jolted up and nearly flew out of my bed. I absolutely love the wake up calls in this hell hole. My head hurts from that stupid, annoying voice that plays every morning on the intercom. You would think they wouldn't deliberately try to scare the patients, but they insist on "waking the patients up by scaring them helps them get better". Who's logic thought that up? Probably Doctor Clifford, the bastard.

Once I was up and dressed in a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans, I made my way out of the door. When I was exiting my room, Twenty Four and Luke were talking outside of their rooms.

Luke also had on a white t-shirt but on top of that was a black leather jacket with a snake raveled up on a sword on the back. It looked badass paired with his uniformed black skinnies. Instead of converse, he had on a pair of black boots to complete the bad boy look.

Twenty Four wasn't wearing her usually style. She had on a white dress and white sandals to match. She would have looked innocent if in fact she wasn't wearing her signature maroon beanie with the the font across. Her outfit was a lot different, and I was wondering why they both look amazing.

I walked out of my room finally and greeted both of them. "Hey guys."

"Hey, Val," Luke was the first to acknowledge my appearance. "How did you sleep?"

I smiled at him and nodded my head. "Good."

He smiled back and then turned back to Twenty four. I decided to join in on the conversation because to be totally honest, I don't have any other friends.

"So who's coming to visit you today?" Luke asked Twenty four and she sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"The usual. Mom and sisters. What about you?"

He looked away and a frown etched his face. I wanted to hug and comfort him. I fought against the urge though.

"My two older brother."

"What about your parents?"

Twenty Four, why would you ask? He looked so pained and my heart hurt.

"What are your brothers names?" I asked to hopefully change the topic of parents.

He smiled and replied, "Jack and Ben. My oldest brother is Ben. He is four years older. And my other brother Jack is two years older than me. I love them a lot."

There is a lot of love behind his words and I can tell he means it. He is smiling and his eyes are bright. His face is a little red by the end of his words. He is so adorable.

"I can tell," Twenty Four replies and walks away. Luke is still smiling though as she walks towards the parlor.

I was happy for Luke. I was happy he got to see his brothers and I was happy he was smiling and glad. I was happy until he asked the question-

"Who's coming to visit you today?"

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