Chapter four | the blonde boy

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Chapter four | the blonde boy

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It's been a few days since I saw that blonde boy that knocked out the brunette one, and I can't stop thinking about him. His crystal blue eyes staring back at my gray ones. His lanky, tall figure slouched in the arms of the two guards, Hood and Styles, as they take him to God knows where. His eyes never leaving mine as he was dragged away.

I am snapped out of my thinking state by a familiar face. Twenty Four is standing in front of me. We are in the parlor, and I am laid on the some what comfortable couch. She sits on my legs and I quickly move them on her lap.

In these few days, we have gotten a lot closer than anyone would've hoped for. But the only person I want to get close to is the tall boy who had disappeared. Maybe I imagined the beautiful boy? Maybe that's why i'm here, i imagine things?

Before another crazy thought comes to my mind, another person walks into the parlor. The person has all black on, skinnies and a muscle tee included, with a plain black beanie completing the look. His curly blonde hair is long and reaches just below his ear. His blue eyes scan the area for something, or rather someone. And then he spots me.

All eyes are on him, trying to determine his next move. He seems very dangerous and I can't help but be attracted to him. Everyone sees the happiness in his eyes upon seeing me.

His eyes soften and he pulls his beanie off, stuffing it in his back pocket. His blonde hair is even crazier and he tucks it behind his ears. He then walks towards Twenty Four and I. She chuckles at him, obviously not scared of him. He seems pleased that I am with Twenty Four instead of anyone else.

"I see you've met then?" the blonde boy says looking between the both of us. Twenty Four nods, the smile never leaving. She seems very bubbly upon seeing this tall giraffe. "Dammit! You beat me to it."

"I guess I did, Hemmings," she says and grabs my thigh in her hands. I gasp but then laugh at her hands.

Something flashes in his eyes when she touches me, I'm not sure what exactly it was. His shoulders tense and he becomes square as if to attack. Twenty Four chuckles at his reaction as if to taunt him.

"Do my hands on her bother you, Hemmings?"

She is even more inhuman than I thought, taunting him in such a way. I'm almost angry at her but then I remember my place. I'm new, the blonde and I don't know each other.

I tense up as Twenty Four's hand scoots farther up. I grab her hand in mine to stop her. It's then that she acknowledges my wishes.

To keep my and the boy's anger at bay, I remove myself from the couch. Standing next to the boy, he is much taller than me. He looks to be about 6'3 or 4 and his hair is much curlier up close then far away.

His body relaxes and he turns to me with a smile. I notice he has a lot of mood swings.

"What's your name?" the boy asks me and my heart quickens in speed.

"V-Valentine," i stutter and mentally face palm. All this time and I stutter in front of this handsome, tall fellow. "My name is Valentine."

"Val," he says more to himself rather than me. He is instantly chuckling at my facial expression. My father used to call me that. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Luke."

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