Chapter twenty six | don't be alarmed if you see red

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Chapter twenty six | don't be alarmed if you see red


Oh god! Luke was bleeding! Maybe still bleeding! And I wasn't there to help him!

"I wasn't there to help him," I slightly whispered to myself putting the rest of the clothes I found on. As I walked out into the hallway, my mind was a jumble of possibilities that could've happened to Luke. What if he's gone. No don't think negative, Valentine.

"What was that ma'am?"

By now, I was already dressed in clothes that were decent and didn't smell like udder crap. I was spooked by the voice and apparently my freight was extremely evident.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to scare you," the male nurse chuckled and tucked his wooden clipboard under his arm, reminding me of my first day at the asylum when Doctor Irwin did the same thing. "Can I help you find something?"

"Yes, thank you," I said cautiously looking around to make sure no guards were near. When the man walked to sit in the swirly chair behind a counter, I walked up to the counter. "I'm looking for Luke Hemmings' room. I not quite sure what happened to him but I heard there was an accident."

My lying was getting better, I think. The nurse nodded and typed away on his computer. When he finished typing, he began to speak.

"It seems that Mr. Hemmings is in room 225. He just got out of the ER and was moved to a recovery room. He might still be unconscious."

I nodded as he spoke, tears of relieve filling my eyes. At least he was recovering. Hopefully recovering well.

"What happened? How did he get into the ER in the first place?"

The nurse sighed and looked at me with pity.

"Is he your boyfriend, Miss?"

Boyfriend? He is my friend that is a boy. He so happens to be a boy that is my friend. So I guess he is in a way.

"Yes," I stated strongly, holding the crack in my voice back. Tears were really about to fall. "He is my boyfriend. Now, can you please tell me why he's here?"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'll show you to his room. I am kind of new here so I don't really know to handle situations yet."

I nodded and wiped a few stray tears away from my cheeks that escaped when he was rambling.

We walked to the very end of the hallway until we reached the last room on the right. With his hand on the door knob, he paused for a moment. He then looked back at me and stared at my stature for a while.

"Are we going to go in?"

He nodded but was still unmoving. He then said, "Mr. Hemmings passed out from a fire that happened in the asylum. When he hit the ground, he hit his head pretty hard and that caused blood to seep everywhere, so if you see red don't be alarmed."

My eyes widened a great deal at the nurse's warnings. Damn crying sucks.

"O-okay," I stuttered and moved pasted the man in blue scrubs. His hand moved away from the knob and he turned and left as fast as he came.

I twisted the knob and pushed only to see a pale, frail man. His long, blonde locks pushed in all sorts of directions and his tall frame knotted in a ball. Tears poured out of my eyes as I muttered a name.


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