Chapter five | see ya later

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Chapter five | see ya later

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After our introduction to each other, Luke asked me to sit with him at lunch when it was time, and I agreed. Twenty Four was smirking the whole damn time Luke was talking to me. Let's just say her being mysterious isn't really my favorite thing at the moment.

"Valentine Summers."

My name was called from the other end of the parlor. In the entrance was my therapist, Dr. Michael Clifford. His bleached hair was slicked back and his bulgy black glasses were propped on his nose in a elegant manner. He repeated my name, and I stood from my position on the couch next to Luke. The blonde stood as well and grabbed my hand when I tried to walk away. I softly gasped and turned to look at Luke. "What is it?"

"You didn't say goodbye," his voice held a sort of vulnerability and I couldn't help but awe. "I hate it when people don't say goodbye."

I nodded my head. I didn't want to disappoint Luke, so I settled for a compromise.

"I don't like to say goodbye," i said and his face fell. He wasn't mad, just upset. "How about see ya later?"

He perked up like a puppy getting praise. His frown turned into a white smile. He let go of my hand and let me go to the therapist, saying in return, "See ya later, Val."


"Valentine," the therapist says filling a clear empty glass with cold water. Next to the cup is a smaller plastic container that had two huge, white pills. "Why do you think your here?"

Being the royal bitch I was before enrolled here, I said, "To get help, remember?"

He ended up laughing at my pettiness and I stared blankly at the posters behind him. Some had positive messages and others had bands. The posters had this sort of organized vibe to them, straight and unwrinkled.

"What do you think to get help with?"

I didn't answer, mostly because I didn't know. I don't understand why I'm here and I can barely remember anything that happened before. I can only remember the picture of my dad's face and the screaming. I end up shrugging and turn to look outside the window.

Dr. Clifford sighs and starts to gently massage his temples. I must be annoying him, I do that a lot.

"Are you going to talk to me today?"

Again I don't answer. I shrug my shoulders and stand from the plush chair i was seated in.

"I'm hungry and it's lunchtime," i try to sound as short as possible. "I'll see you tomorrow, Dr. Clifford."

The therapist waves a dismissive hand, and I walk out of the office and away from the pills. It wasn't that I didn't like the doctor, it's just that i don't know him yet.

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