Chapter three | the guards

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Chapter three | the guards

vote for the sexy guards, Officer Hood and Styles

Twenty Four and I were sat in the two seats across from the chair Dr. Clifford was seated in. He had got up and took Dr. Irwin out in the hallway to have a conversation without other ears hearing. The room seemed very unanimated without the therapist's loud personality to fill the small space. The plants sat on the window seal looked very unhappy to see us in the room instead.

"Twenty Four, huh?" I said trying to lighten the mood by starting a conversation in the thick tension. To my luck, she smiled and chuckled a little.

"Yeah," she says, turning to look at me instead of the plant she was graciously staring at. "It's my room number."

I nod and search for something else to say. Nothing. I've got nothing.

"You come here often," at this she chuckles again. She turns to look at me again. Her eyes hold a kind of endearment for me.

"I definitely like you," she says. "We could be really good friends if we weren't stuck here."

I look back at her warm brown eyes that are just so welcoming, and I nod my head.

"I wouldn't mind being your friend here either," I say. This seems to surprise her because she's not sure what else to say.

Before she has a chance to say anything else, the two doctors remerge into the office. They look relieved to see us still here and calm. I would be insulted if I wasn't in a mental hospital.

"Okay, Valentine," I look to see my therapist sit back down into his swirling chair. I giggled as he almost falls out of it trying to be professional. Even Twenty Four is smiling at his failed actions. He fixes himself and places his palms flat against the desk for balance.

"Valentine," I stopped giggling at his seriousness and wiped the smile from my face completely. "You will be here until you get better or your 21st birthday, whichever comes first."

My 21st birthday is in three years. If i don't get better, the most i would be is for three years?!

"Why am I here anyway?" Dr. Clifford looks pained to tell me. What's so bad about me?

"You are here to get better," is all he says before telling me Twenty Four will be my tour guide in this small hospital. He then dismisses us without saying anything else.

Twenty Four takes this as her chance to make me feel better and forget. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the parlor, which is like the hangout spot for the patients.

In the parlor, there is different board games with no sharp objects and a TV in the corner with a soft remote. Wow this place isn't kidding around when they talk about safety. This place is the definition of safe.

By the door, there are two guards. The one on the right has tan skin with brown puppy dog eyes. His hair is the same shade of brown as his eyes. He has a five o'clock shadow on his jawline that looks like it could possibly cut you. I see Twenty Four eyeing the right guard way too hard. She definitely likes him.

The left guard is light skinned with deep sea green eyes. He is absolutely handsome and stunning that I might faint.

As Twenty Four has my hand in her grasp, she pulls us to the two guards. The right one smiles at her and the left one just looks extremely annoyed by her presents. Completely opposite reactions.

The left guard looks stunned to see a new girl with Twenty Four. His green eyes penetrate my head as I look down at the floor.

"Hi, Officer Hood," Twenty Four says in the most innocent voice, but when she turns to the other guard she sounds as annoyed as he looked. "Officer Styles."

"Twenty Four," the right officer says with a sweet smile. "You know the rules. No talking to the guards, even me."

She smirks and turns to look back at Officer Hood. She seems pleased by his reply.

"Officer?" she says. "Are you going to zap me? You know I love it when only you do it."

Officer Styles scoffs at the girl and turns to look at his companion. His companion has a devilish smirk across his features much like Twenty Four.

"Yes," Officer Hood says unbuckling a long rod from his belt. At the end towards Twenty Four is a electrifying shock that is controlled by the other end's button. "If I have to Twenty Four."

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