Chapter eleven | i remember you

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Chapter eleven | i remember you


All I remember is the color black. I see it in everything. I see it when I close my eyes to replenish my strength in a good night's rest. I see it in the color of my life (besides white now). And I see it in the people I care for.

The dark color can explain and represent many different feelings. Feelings like loneliness, heartbreak, or even death.

What I'm about to say may sound really crazy and stupid; But I believe destiny really did come to play in my life. Why I was sent to this institute of all places and why I met the people I did. I met Twenty Four and The "twins" and that was how everything was supposed to happen. The only thing that wasn't supposed to happen was me finding Luke.

He wasn't supposed to be here and he sure as hell wasn't supposed to see me ever again. He was filled with the color black, and I was craving it.


His blue eyes connected with mine. He nodded as if to signal me to talk. When I didn't, he did.

"What's the matter, Val?" What was I supposed to say? Oh! You used to be my old friend when we were little, Why didn't you say anything? I remember you but can you help me remember more? No. Not that.

"Valentine." Luke's hands rested on my shoulders, and his face was mere inches away from my own. His warm breath was ragged and smelled of mint. The butterflies in my stomach came back and I looked to my lap.

"I-I," I couldn't say it! Why the hell couldn't I say the damn words?

Breathe, Valentine, breathe. It's all going to be okay.

"Luke," I started and looked up from my lap into his crystal orbs. "I remember you."

He stopped everything and just blinked in response. His hands fell from me and his breathing increased. He was staring at me while I stared back at him.

"Valentine," he looked pained to say anything, much like the others in this place. "I wanted to tell you-" I cut him off.

"But you didn't. Why is that, Luke?"

For fourteen seconds, to be exact, he didn't say anything. He just gawked at me.

"Your father."

My father? What does my father have to do with this?

"What about him," I said, still amazed that I finally remember something. He sucked in a breathe, ready to tell me everything. But before he could, his name was called.

"Luke Hemmings please come to the visiting room."

He sighed and removed himself from the couch. He fixed his leather jacket and said, "We'll talk about this later."

"Wait," I squeaked before he left. "See ya later, Hemmings."

He smiled a little and turned back around.

"See ya later, Val," he said and waved before leaving to the visiting center.

This isn't over. I am going to find out everything about my family and what Luke has to do with me.

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