Chapter seven | comfort buddy

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Chapter seven | comfort buddy

the storyline might be fucked up but i don't give a shit

*the dream*

He was leaving me again. My father.

This time he didn't even try to chase after me. He just stood there and watched me be taken away.

He shed no tears. He showed no emotions. He just stood there with a blank look planted across his face.

I screamed and screamed but still there was nothing. He showed nothing.

I kicked and kicked the doctors to try and hopefully get away. Their grip was tight and their muscles were strong.

I was crying, I could tell that much. I didn't want to leave my father. Ever.

But my mother, something happened to her. I can't remember anything about my mother. Why can't I remember?

Her face flashed across the back of my eyelids. She looked just like me. Her hair was a dark brown, almost black. Her eyes were grey with flecks of blue throughout them. She was like an older version of me. What happened to her? Who was she?


Last night was another restless and sleepless night. I couldn't stop moving and my terrible thoughts clouded my vision. It was like being in a dreamworld and I couldn't wake up.

When I awoke it was still dark outside and a person rushed into my room. I must have screamed.

The silhouette was tall and lanky. Much like the blonde boy that I had met nearly a week ago. The shadow crept slowly into the room and I almost screamed again, but then I saw his face. The moon light made his eyes even more bluer if that was possible and his hair was glowing. He looked stunning. He looked beautiful. Luke was in my room.

Luke was in my room!

I yelped quietly as I realized what I was wearing. I was wearing my slightly see through night gown that the hospital provided. It was white and had a darker white as the lining. I quickly covered myself with my hands to provide some type of concealment.

Luke looked at me and quickly turned to look at the wall. Across his cheeks there was a faint blush. He cleared his throat and walked over to my dresser, still not looking at me. He pulled out my white jacket, that was also given to me when I got here, and threw in the my face. It landed over my head and Luke laughed slightly as I pulled it off with a huff, not caring if he saw me anymore. I pulled the jacket on and adjusted my gown.

I got up from the bed and turned to fully look at Luke. His hair was messy and frizzy, like he had just woke up from slumber. His eyes were still full of sleep, and he still looked extremely tired.

"Are you okay?"

Luke already looked tired and now he had worry across his features. My heart swell at his caring side and I sucked in a sharp breathe. I nodded my head vigorously and smiled at the boy.

"I'm sorry. I just heard screaming and I was worried about you."

He looked down at his feet, leaning back and forth on them. He was awkwardly standing in the middle of my room, and I figured if I didn't start a conversation there wouldn't be one.

"I had a nightmare," I inaudibly said. My voice was small but Luke heard me and walked forward to comfort me. He grabbed my hands in his and brought them to his cheek. His eyes were closed and he let a deep sigh escape his lips. I was shocked by his sudden movements, but I let him do whatever he was doing.

"I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you."

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