Chapter eight | kissable

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Chapter eight | kissable

they are soooooo cute...<3

"I'll always be here for you."

He said it so freely. He said it like he had known me since childhood. Like he has been my friend for a very long time. My heart was swelling from his kindness, and i couldn't stop myself when I leaned in and pecked his cheek.

He tensed and his cheeks turned crimson. The blush across his face was very red, and his skin was hot when I pulled away.

"What did you do that for?" Luke said when i stepped back a few times so he couldn't see my red cheeks in the dark. I shrugged my shoulders when I got a good distance.

"Your face looks very kissable, I guess..." I trailed off, trying my hardest not to embarrass myself further.

I blush a shade darker and turn around to look at something other than his face. When I turn around, I am greeted with my reflection. The window holds my grey eyes that have so much hurt and abandonment in them and, I don't know how it got there. The metal bars hold a barrier between me and my reflection and at times I can't be happier. I'm not perfect, but then again, no one is.

"Kissable, huh?"

I look up in the window to see the tall boy approaching me from behind. I get this weird sting in my stomach watching him get closer and closer. I have this sort of excitement for what's going to happen next.

I nod my head and look away with my still red cheeks. I can feel him getting nearer and I quickly walk away before he can get too close. I instantly regret my decision when his face contorts in a frown. My heart hurts from hurting him and I try to fix it.

"I'm sorry," I say quickly. My voice finally above a whisper when talking to him. He looks at me and his frown turns to a smile. The sadness gone from his face as soon as it got there. "I just-"

I stop myself. What can I say to this blonde boy that will make him go away to sleep in his room?

"Luke," I say in the most persuasive voice I've ever heard leave my mouth. He looks up and listens intently. "The guards could come to check on us at any moment. I really don't want you to get in trouble, so I will see you in the parlor tomorrow?"

He smiles at me and comes closer. He pulls my once confident body into his arms which turns me to putty. I am helpless against this boy and I also want it that way.

After hugging me, he turned and walked towards the door. He opened it softly and closed it with the same gentleness.

The hug was short and sweet. I couldn't say it was a friendly hug but it was amazing. His body is warm and comforting. That was the moment I realized that I have meet this boy before.

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